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Donau is a name of a river.

Oh I see a spelled something wrong is to long that word… it’s Dampf not Damp. So Donaudampfschifffahrtskapitänsmützenknopf.

I have no clue at all what that words mean, and it has absolutely no results on google. Surprising!
By the way, the “damp captain” was a joke of course :).

Ok, let’s split it up:

Donau: a name o a river
Schifffahrt (Schiff + fahrt):
A “S” so does it sounds better…
Kapitän: captain
An other s
An an is needed to put it together with the next word

It’s not suprising to me that you didn’t find it with google. Maybe just: “Donaudampfschifffahrtsgesellschaft” a lest my program to help me with spelling knows that one…

Let’s see

Donau: a name o a river
Dampf: steam
Schifffahrt (Schiff + fahrt): ship + ride
A “S” so does it sounds better…
Kapitän: captain
An other s
Mütze: hat
An an is needed to put it together with the next word
Knopf: ??

The captain with a hat over his head “riding” a steaming ship through the river?

I’ll check how I did tomorrow ^_^.
Nice chatting with you.
Tsb7i 3la khir :).

Knopf: button
schiffahrt: http://dict.leo.org/ende?lp=ende&p=wlqAU.&search=Schifffahrt shipping

A button on the head of the captain of the Donau steam shipping. Something like that. See in English it’s even longer.

Ah, thanks for explaining.
By the way, I cheated all the way through the word!

That word is also just a joke. And I believe if you look up words in a dictionary something sticks to your head, so it’s no cheating or I’m also cheating all the time…

An other fun word would be “Streichholzschächtelchen”, but here it’s more to try to pronounce it. I know people speaking very good German and don’t made it. I heard once that an Australian sent in that word as the most beautiful German word because he believed if you can pronounce it, you can pronounce every German word.

Somebody here? This morning I was waiting for the tram and there was a Moroccan talking on the phone in darija and I understood every thing he said (ok, wasn’t that difficult) but still I’m proud of me and 2 month ago I wouldn’t have understand a word he was saying!

Ich bin hier! :slight_smile:
Tbarkllah 3lik, you’ve been pretty active lately on the forum. No wonder you understood everything he said. If you said something to the guy in Darija, he would be really surprised :D. Try that next time, as I always say, Moroccans do love it when someone tries to speak Darija.
So you spied on him, huh?

Hehe, I missed my tram and the next one was delate and I was bored… No, he was busy with his phone. Yes, I’ve done a lot lately and is always good to see that’s not for nothing.

long tiiiiime !
how are u guys doing?

I’m studying Arabic at University. That’s actually, why I asked about the books, I would need them for my studies. I really started to try to learn Moroccan Arabic just after Christmas last year, before I had classes in Algerian and Tunisian Arabic, but didn’t learn much there. I then I just started to really learn something in September this year.

Oh and I’ve read somewhere that about 40% Americans have some kind of German root.

MSA is the way to go if you want to be able to communicate with educated Arabs from all over. However, I must say that no one actually uses MSA as a language other than in/on formal occasions. Moroccan is much warmer; you will come across as a person in dialect, while you run the risk of coming across as an automaton if you try to carry on regular conversations by means of MSA.

It wasn’t that easy to get that maghreb Dialect classes, that University always has one dialect every year normally also something mashriqî. Here where I’m studying now every student has to take Egyptian (I got around it, because had the other dialect classes). My problem with MSA and Moroccan is that they understand me, but I don’t get there answer without knowing darija.

That’s what I was trying to say. Morocans are really good at understanding dialects, but when you know MSA and they answer you in dialect it can get very confusing.

Just with MSA knowlege it’s really easy to understand most of the eastern Dialects and Egyptian everybody knows from movies.

hey, it’s true what you say, um maryam, and i understand! about arabs not understanding the moroccan dialect, but moroccans understanding the MSA. it must be frustrating! that is why we should all be on a mission to learn darija :D:D

I hope someday that we will each be congratulating the others with, “Mission Accomplished”. In the meantime, our mission, should we choose to accept it is to…