Game 2 - Questions Game in Darija

Est ce que quelqu’un a une question? / Y a-t’il quelqu’un qui a une question?

Ah, 3ndî shî so2âl: 3lâsh l makla bnina bzzzâââf f lMaghrib? :smiley:

…7ît kansta3mlo bzzaf l3ôshob… Âsh kliti f lmaghrib ya elise? :smiley:

Sme7i liyya Kounouz, ma f3mtish mzian… :frowning:

Kôlshî ! Enfin tout ce que j’ai pu manger! :smiley:
qhwa, atay, 7ôt mqlî, shlâDa, 7rîra, rôz w khDra, tajines, couscous… :crazy:
w kâmôn bzzâf :smiley:
et même une cuillère dyâl kâmôn ma3 shî ma shôyia, imta ana knt mrida… (et même une cuillère de cumin avec un peu d’eau quand j’étais malade). C’est très efficace! :okay:

m3ilqa dyal kamon, 7etta ana klit shi melli kunt mrida!

Sme7i liyya Kounouz, ma f3mtish mzian… :([/quote]
1/ l3ôshob = l3triyya = les épices.

2/ Sm7i liyya, mâ fhmtsh mzyan.

Kôlshî ! Enfin tout ce que j’ai pu manger! :smiley:
qhwa, atay, 7ôt mqlî, shlâDa, 7rîra, rôz w khDra, tajines, couscous… :crazy:
w kâmôn bzzâf :smiley: et même une cuillère dyâl kâmôn ma3 shî ma shôyia, imta ana knt mrida… (et même une cuillère de cumin avec un peu d’eau quand j’étais malade). C’est très efficace! :okay:[/quote]
je propose: wa 7tta m3lqa dyal kâmôn m3a shwiyya d lmâ melli kunt mrida!

merci pour les corrections :slight_smile:
Ana fer7ana d’être de retour hna, c’est toujours aussi enrichissant et sympathique! :okay:

Ash aktar shi 3ajabek filMaghreb ? :smiley:
What did you like most ?

Kôlshî!!! :smiley:
I know, it’s easy to answer that, but it’s true.
3ziz 3liyya kôl l Maghrib: jjbl dyal le Haut-Atlas (w kôl lblad zwin bzzâf) , lmakla, nnass, sh-shmsh…
(I love all the Morocco:the High-Atlas’mountains (and all the very beautiful country); the food, the people, the sun…)

Shkôn mnkom y3rf Tiyyb mzian kîf Choumicha?
(Who among you knows cooking as well as Choumicha?)

shkon Choumicha ? (Who’s Choumicha ?)

ana man3rfsh Tiyyb mzian, belHaq nsib maghrebi (rajl benti) y3rf tiyyb mzian BEZZAF !!

( I’m not a very good cook, but my Moroccan son-in-law ( my daughter’s husband ) is an excellent cook )

( I’ve but it in more natural English, rather than translated it directly : I don’t know cooking well )

Man3rfch ntiyyab mli7 b7al ummi…
Khassni n3alam chwiya bchwiya!
3andi lwokt :^^:

De toute façon (?), kayyin lktab nta lcuisina bech nt3almo, les recettes (?)

Ttfedlo lb7ar oula lmdina?

lb7ar walakin makaynsh 3ndna b7r hna

eshnou azian makan filMaghreb??
what’s the most beautiful place in morocco?

Fe l’Meghrib kaynin bezzaf dyal makan zwin, walakin fe Sahara fe Erg Smar, kayin wahed makan zwin bezzaf. M3mer ni sheft sh had shi

ya Marilyn fayn su’al dyalek?

[quote=SimplyMoroccan][quote=elise_m]J’ai oublié de poser une question…

Shkôn mnnkom qrit wâ7d lktâb lmohimm had ssemana? Ash lktâb? Mn lli mektôb?

(Qui parmi vous a lu un livre intéressant cette semaine? Quel livre? Ecrit par qui?)[/quote]
Shkôn fîkom qrâ shî ktâb mohim hâd ssîmâna? Ash mn ktâb? Shkôn llî ktbô?

  • On dit fîkom quand on désigne une personne qui appartient à un groupe et qu’y se trouve au moment auquel on s’adresse au groupe. Mnnkom c’est pour quelqu’un qui appartient à un groupe, tout court. [Confusing?]
  • Shî ktâb = quelque livre… Un livre, n’importe lequel.
  • Ash mn = Quel/lequel.
  • J’ai traduit la dernière partie de ta phrase en tant que: Qui l’a écrit?. C’est plus direct.

Je laisse quelqu’un d’autre répondre, je suis là pour corriger :).[/quote]
Could you please explain again the difference between fîkom and Mnnkom? I didn’t get it.

Fe l’Meghrib kaynin bezzaf dyal l2amakkin zzwina, walakin fe Sahara fe Erg Smar, kayin wahed lmakan zwin bezzaf. Mâ 3merni mâ sheft b7alo.

  • After bzzâf dyâl (a lot of) the noun is put in plural.
  • Wâ7d is basically always followed by a definite word.
  • I had never seen… = Mâ 3mmrnî mâ shft…
  • B7âlo = Like it. Or you could keep b7âl hâd shî, but you are not pointing to something near you (unless if were in Erg Smar while posting :hap:), so it’s better to refer to it as an “it”, rather than “this”.

[quote=nuwwara][quote=SimplyMoroccan][quote=elise_m]J’ai oublié de poser une question…

Shkôn mnnkom qrit wâ7d lktâb lmohimm had ssemana? Ash lktâb? Mn lli mektôb?

(Qui parmi vous a lu un livre intéressant cette semaine? Quel livre? Ecrit par qui?)[/quote]
Shkôn fîkom qrâ shî ktâb mohim hâd ssîmâna? Ash mn ktâb? Shkôn llî ktbô?

  • On dit fîkom quand on désigne une personne qui appartient à un groupe et qu’y se trouve au moment auquel on s’adresse au groupe. Mnnkom c’est pour quelqu’un qui appartient à un groupe, tout court. [Confusing?]
  • Shî ktâb = quelque livre… Un livre, n’importe lequel.
  • Ash mn = Quel/lequel.
  • J’ai traduit la dernière partie de ta phrase en tant que: Qui l’a écrit?. C’est plus direct.

Je laisse quelqu’un d’autre répondre, je suis là pour corriger :).[/quote]
Could you please explain again the difference between fîkom and Mnnkom? I didn’t get it.[/quote]
Fikom = Among you. (Fi = in)
Mnnkom = From you. (mn = from)
The way I explained it in French was rather confusing, as I see. But when you are addressing a group and asking “who among you did…” the correct form to use is “shkôn fîkom…”.

Schukran now I understand it.

ana qrat waHd lktab mohim had ssimana. smitu " Morocco is a Lion" . Nancy Phelan ktbat had lktab, hiya ostraliya.

I read an interesting book this week. It is called ‘Morocco is a Lion’. Nancy Phelan wrote that book, she is Australian.
Or rather ‘was’ , she died earlier this year, aged about 90. She spent time in Morocco and loved it. The book was published in 1982.

fouqash ghaditmshi l lmaghreb merra jaya ? When are you next going to Morocco ?

(Off Topic)

The other day I came across the topic of Aicha Qandisha on one of the other threads in this forum (I’ve forgotten which one).

The following passage is from the book I mentioned above :
“They say Aisha Kandicha is seen in the river (at Sale). She is a malevolent female djinn who lives in water and is fatal to men. Sometimes she appears as a beautiful woman with goat’s legs and feet, sometimes as a she-goat with the legs of a woman and hideous long hanging breasts. I have also heard that she wears her feet backwards. She is insatiable and lascivious and men who sleep with her are destroyed by madness and death.”

By the way, on the title page of the book is an Arab saying : “Tunisia is a woman, Algeria is a man, Morocco is a lion.” (hence the title of the book)

Back to the Questions Game - Does anyone want to play ?

Here’s the question again :

fouqash ghaditmshi l lmagheb merra jaya ? / When are you next going to Morocco ?

Conjugation mistake: Anâ qrît = I read. Heya qrât = she read.