Exercise 13 - Translate into Darija

Remember that this is the English version of the exercise ;).
A very clear hint:
Tyâb = Cooking.

I do not cook well

= Mâ kanTiyybsh mzyân.

When you say “mâ kan3rfsh” followed by an action verb, then you mean that you’re not good at that thing.
= I am not good in cooking.

You might think it’s: I don’t know how to cook, but this can actually be translated differently: mâ kan3rfsh kîfâsh nTiyyb, and this has a different meaning: You CAN not cook at all, and can’t handle anything in the kitchen :hap:.

Anyways, did anyone notice that I actually reversed the exercise without noticing? You should be the ones translating into Darija my English sentence. My bad!

Translate to Darija (Sentence 13)
It’s been a long time since I last went to the beach.

yes… but I didn’t want to annoy you… :wink:


I’m not sure to understand the meaning, is it a different way to say mâ 3ndîsh m3a TTyab?

In the core of the subject, it’s not too different to say it your way, it all means it’s a pain to try to eat what you cook :D.
It’s just a different way to say it: I can’t cook, I am not good in cooking, I am not a good cook, etc.

[quote= SimplyMoroccan]Next:
It’s been a long time since I last went to the beach.[/quote]
je propose cette phrase mais je ne suis pas sûre de retranscrire le sens…:neu:

sh7âl hadî hiyyâ llî kant f lb7r.

[quote=kounouz][quote= SimplyMoroccan]Next:
It’s been a long time since I last went to the beach.[/quote]
je propose cette phrase mais je ne suis pas sûre de retranscrire le sens…:neu:

sh7âl hadî hiyyâ llî kant f lb7r.[/quote]
Kounouz, remember? This is the English topic ;).
The beginning of your sentence: sh7âl hâdî is correct. The rest is not.

Try again.

sh7al hadî wanâ mâ kantsh f la plage.

:unsure: :unsure: :unsure:

[quote=kounouz]sh7al hadî wanâ mâ kantsh f la plage.
:unsure: :unsure: :unsure:[/quote]
A hint - although I still didn’t post anything about conjugation (sorry Onc’Kamel, sorry Elise) - the verb should be in the past, just like in the English sentence.

One more try, and I’ll provide you with the answer.

Don’t be sorry SM, it will be great when you give us a lesson about conjugaison (because more and more often, I can’t try to write or tell a sentence because I don’t know verbs and how to conjugue them. And unfortunately, I can’t just to learn one verb conjugated at one form. I need to know the way to build this verb -present, future, past, 1e, 2 ou 3 e pers. etc. , without an overview it’s very hard for me to learn something :cry:).
But I’m very happy, I’m learning what to be patient means… :smiley:

You’ll also learn how to stand a procrastinator. That’s a valuable lesson from life :).

oh, there’s worse in life, I shall succeed ! :wink:

a pro…what? Can you please explain this word to me? i don’t have any idea about its meaning…:oops:

a pro…what? Can you please explain this word to me? i don’t have any idea about its meaning…:oops:[/quote]
One who procrastinates.


To put off doing something, especially out of habitual carelessness or laziness.


To postpone or delay needlessly.


And the answer is:
Sh7âl hâdî mâ mshîtsh lelb7r.

Translate to Darija (Sentence 14)
I am fasting today.

Had l’yum matanakulsh.

:no: Fasting is not just about not eating! Many non-Muslims think that when we fast we can drink, but that’s not true in fact.
There is a specific verb for “fasting”, that’s what I am looking for here ;).

Another try:

Had l’yum tansum.

a pro…what? Can you please explain this word to me? i don’t have any idea about its meaning…:oops:[/quote]
One who procrastinates.


To put off doing something, especially out of habitual carelessness or laziness.


To postpone or delay needlessly.

thank you SM very much, i don’t know this word, i’ve discovered that it exist also in french! :blink: