Exercise 13 - Translate into Darija

Kharis? No, that’s not a word! :slight_smile:

kharis lmedina outside town???:huh::huh:

I knew that you meant khârîj, which is an MSA word. Outside town is brrâ lmdîna in Moroccan Arabic. Brrâ means both outside and abroad. And the word we are seeking here is “away”. :wink:

on continue le jeu?
à vos clavier…:okay:

ana sâkan b3îd min lmadrasa

Correct. We say also b3îd 3lâ

Translate to Darija (Sentence 8)
I want to drink coffee.

@ Kounouz:
On garde ce topic en anglais et on ouvre un autre pour le français, ok? Je le fais tout de suite. [C’est par ici]

Bghit nshreb lqe7wa

If you read that word like that, it will sound like a reaaaally bad word.
I see that transcription still confuses you. To remember what 7 is for, just look at the letter [large]?[/large], don’t they look alike?
So it’s lqhwa. :slight_smile:

Translate to Darija (Sentence 9)
My friends are invited over for lunch today at my house.

as7abi (râh-hum) tDayyefîn 3ndî f ddâr lyôm l-lghda.

Hmmm… so you don’t know the Morocan Arabic word for invited.
That’s how it goes: S7âbî m3rôDîn 3ndî lyôm lelghdâ.
[large]??? ??? ??? ??? ???[/large]

Once you sayd “3ndî”, then we know it’s at your home, and you don’t need to add “f ddâr”.

Translate to Darija (Sentence 10)
I wonder why the beach is empty today.

Hint: “I wonder…” is expressed in Moroccan Arabic as “I don’t know…”

Man3rfsh 3lash elb7r fadi lyom :hm:

mâ 3rftsh 3lash lb7âr m3âmr lyôm.

ma 3rftch 3lash lb7ar khawi lyom

Very good :).

@ Hiba:
The word for empty in Moroccan Arabic is: khâwî.

@ Kounouz:
You wanted to say 3âmr, but that’s full

Translate to Darija (Sentence 11)
My back hurts, and I feel sick.

[quote=SimplyMoroccan]@ Kounouz:
You wanted to say 3âmr, but that’s full…[/quote]

drnî dhrî w âna mriDâ.

kay-drni dhri w kan-hss (b) marid

= My back hurts, and I am sick.

= My back hurts, and I feel sick.
Although, it’s not really complete.

What I was looking for is the expression: kan7ss brâsi = I feel (myself).

  • Kan7ss brâsî b7âl ilâ ghâdî nskhf = I feel like I am going to feint.
  • Kan7ss brâsî dâykha = I feel dizzy. You can say: kan7ss bddôkha = I feel dizziness.

So the sentence is:
Drrni/kayDrrnî D-hrî, w 7ssît brâsî mrîDâ.

Translate to Darija (Sentence 12)
Ma kan3rfsh nTiyyb mzyân.

Je ne connais pas (très) bien [nTiyyb].

(je ne connais pas le mot “nTiyyb” … :hm:)