Exercise 10 - What does this mean?

[quote=SimplyMoroccan]Marilyn tlmîda mojtahida w dkiyya.
[large]??? ??? ??? ? ???[/large][/quote]
Okay, I’ll translate it this time.
Marylin is a hardworking and smart student.

It’s school vocabulary :).

Next sentence:
Mllî knt sghîra w anâ mâ kan7mlsh l7lîb.
[large]??? ??? ??? ? ??? ?? ??? ???[/large]

When I was young, I didn’t like milk

That’s: Mllî knt shîra, mâ kntsh kan7ml l7lîb, and that’s different from my sentence.

I see a lot of differences but I can’t translate:

when I was young ( so far so good ? ) and I don’t like milk ,( but that doesn’t make any sence)


Since you see the present there, for a past situation, then it’s an action that started in the past and still has its effect in the present, and you can put it this way:
I didn’t like milk since I was a kid.
In Darija, you express the past continuous this way, with actually a verb in the present. Makes sense?
Translate this to make sure you got it: I didn’t like French since I was a kid.

mlli knt shira, ana ma kan7mlsh lfransawija:hap:

and can you also use the verb ma kanbghij? ( I am not sure about the transcription )

Yes, you can use mâ kanghîsh as well, but you absolutely have to use “w” before “anâ”, otherwise the sentence will not make sense at all.
So it’s: Mllî knt sghîra w anâ (punounced wana) mâ kan7mlsh/mâ kanbghîsh lfaransiyya.

Is it clear? Can we move on?

ok let me try too :wink: tell me what to translate :^^:

okay, we go on , I can’t wait!

The use of the w, is this like in: hadi telt shur w ana kaneqra darija?

Exactly, it accompanies the expression of actions that started in the past, last even in the present.
(And I am sure you meant sh-hôr)

So next sentence, for the first one of you to pass by :).

3âd klît wâ7d TTâjîn bnîn dyâl l7ôt.
[large]??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ???[/large]

I ate one delicious whale Tajin?

You did good :). You just missed the word 3âd, which means just, and you misunderstood 7ôt, which is fish, samak as you call it. We call 7ôt even sardines :hap:.
I just ate a delicious fish tajine.

Next sentence:
Anâ mrîDa shwiyya, fiyyâ sskhâna.
[large]??? ??? ??? ??? ???[/large]

I am a little bit sick, I have fever

Correct :). Well done.

Next sentence:
Ashnô shrîtî mn ssôq?
[large]??? ??? ?? ???[/large]

What did you(female) buy from the market?

Correct, well done :).

Every now and then I suggest very simple mistakes, and then the level of difficulty increases. Be ready!

Next sentences:
Mâshî anâ llî glt lwidad tmshî bo7dhâ.
[large]??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ???[/large]

ok, i was the one who told widad to go by herself.

You’re sure you didn’t miss anything? Mâshî for example, which is the equivalent of the Egyptian “mish”.
Or you just mistyped?