Exercise 1: Understanding Tashl7it - Translate into English

Come on Lalla :slight_smile: u haven’t even tried :stuck_out_tongue: i thought you were Superlanguage woman lol xD

Oki, saht = health, ashko=because, awid =give/bring

=) jalla a lalla xD

Hahaha I’m faaaar from a superlanguage woman xD

Adi awid rbbi saht inchallah ashko saht touf koulo ma ilan

(If) God will give me health inchallah, because health …alll…something something :stuck_out_tongue:

It was a horrible translation, soghy :frowning:

Not that far away :p, you know a lot of languages right?, i only speak 1 language good and that is Swedish hahaha

Haha no you’re on the right way :slight_smile:

touf= is better, ma ilan= everything that exists

Try again and i positive that you goin to resolve the puzzle :stuck_out_tongue:

Adi awid rbbi saht inchallah ashko saht touf koulo ma ilan

(If) God will give me health inchallah, because health is the best thing that exists (better than everything that exists)

I speak English & Turkish, learning French and Fos7a, and wanna learn Farsi, Espagnol and Berber nchallah… but I need to get the other 2 out of the way first inchallah :smiley:

But for now, I only speak 2 languages, english and turkish :slight_smile:

:blink: that’s not a many languages you want to learn :stuck_out_tongue: (sarcastic :d) i know one thing u forgot and that is Darija :b

[quote=LallaAïcha]Adi awid rbbi saht inchallah ashko saht touf koulo ma ilan

(If) God will give me health inchallah, because health is the best thing that exists (better than everything that exists)[/quote]
Almost, my bad i forgot to say what adi was

I hope god will give you health inchallah, because health is better than everything that exists =)

nawwww chukran sisooo :slight_smile: I’m writing this one down :stuck_out_tongue:

Weeell Darija is a dialect but can be considered a language too i guess, its got its own unique structure…

w 7ta Adi awid rbbi saht nchallah askho saht touf koulo ma ilan :smiley: ameeeenn

You’re welcome oultma :slight_smile:

Choukran bzaaf/tanmirth bahra oultma :hap:

But is it really a dialect?, i’ve got friends from the middle-east and when when our mutual friends (moroccans) speak Darija with each other, they don’t understand a word…ok they can cath a few words here & there but they don’t get most of it.


Yeah they say it is :stuck_out_tongue: I know what you mean, but it’s still classified as a dialect, and I personally think its better like that :smiley:

So Tafoukt which city in Morocco are your parents from?

Aha oki i see :stuck_out_tongue:

My parents are from Ouarzazate :smiley: i’m from a village called Aït BenHaddou (they’ve recorded many movies there haha sorry i just felt for bragging :p) just a bit outside of Ouarzazate .

hehe you have every right to do so :stuck_out_tongue: represent your bled :smiley:

Haha hell yes :stuck_out_tongue: so where r u from in Turkey? XD have u ever been to Morocco`? and how did u get into the Moroccan culture, language, boys :stuck_out_tongue: haha jk etc…?

Sorry lol it sounds like i’m a federal agent interrogating you but im just curious :blush: :smiley:

hahah ok officer, here’s my report:

1 - My parents are from diff cities, Kayseri and Konya
2 - No i haven’t. but i wish to chi nhar nchaaaaaaaaaaAllah ya rabbb :smiley:
3 - Moroccan culture? me no remember that day, me was high :stuck_out_tongue: j/k… i really don’t know how exactly, but it happened gradually… and they call me obsessed

That’s awesome :smiley: do you eat köfte a lot xD i love that yogurt drink ayram x)

Hahaha so u were high ncncnc :stuck_out_tongue: i’ve told ya that u need to quit that sh** :stuck_out_tongue: inchallah one day u’ll go to Morocco =)

LOL i can’t help it i’m addicted :frowning:

kofteee xD not a lot, no, rarely. :smiley:

nchallllllah :slight_smile:

hahhahahahahhaha i got uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
u were high, hein ???
duuuuuude we have in morocco the best hash :stuck_out_tongue:
OMG a chicha with the moroccan weed yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyy

Madrid, it was moroccan kif anyway :stuck_out_tongue:

you’re disgusting, have you tried this combo? chicha w weed???

I bet that he has tried all sorts of ways already :smiley:

noooo :s i wish … i gave up this now
i tried marehuana and chicha

I agreeeee, he seems like it yak, since he is recommending it he has tried it before. :hm: