A to Z words in Darija (game)

e - el-qalam (the pen)

muahahah =)

F - Ferran (Oven)

I think the word for pen in Darija is ‘Stilu’ not 9alam - at least that’s what they call it in Casa.

I think the word for pen in Darija is ‘Stilu’ not 9alam - at least that’s what they call it in Casa.[/quote]
That’s right, L.Aicha you cheater !! :blink: “9alam” starts with 9 not e + it means Pencil not pen :mdr:

G - glya (pop corn) <-- “turkya” in shamaliya, gddam (front), gaz (gas)

H - hiya (She)

I - iman (belief), ina (which?), ida/ila (if)

J-jdid (masc.) jdida (fem.) (new)

K - krim (generous), karm (tough, dry)

L - lbes (the verb - To wear/He wore)

Mashghoul (busy?), maghribiyya, mktab (office), maktoub (fate). Ah, for once I knew a few words!:mdr:

el is the definite article :P… ok ok i admit, i cheated… sorry

N - Namusiya (bed)

O - okla (food/meal)

P - Pisin (Swimming pool)


R - rass (head), rmi (throw), ryal (5 cents, 50 cents in Shamaliya)

S - Se7ba (friendship), se7bi (my friend), se7bu (his friend) etc.

For those who are familiar with the arabic alphabet, the ‘s’ is to be prounounced like the ‘saad’.

tebla (table) , tmenia (8 )

[color=#CC2FCF]U[sup]a[/sup]rdi[/color] :smiley:

(If anyone comes up with sth better, just let me know :fouet:)

Boo Rayyan, you have an accent coming along there my friend, se7bi xD i would say sa7bi, but of course whatever floats your boat

V - Voila :smiley: i couldn’t think of anything else…

W - wala (or) , walou (nothing), warda (rose) , wili wili :smiley:

Jon !! thats wardi not urdi :blink: & Aicha thats wla not wala :hap:

xxo (cous cous) :rofl: i have th eright to cheat at least once, never done it :mdr: