A newbie here...

Thank you Aicha :slight_smile: I get it. I used to translate it as “cool” but i thought it got other meanings that’s why i asked. Thanks :slight_smile: xx

[quote=Shikamaru]You’re right LA, L3zz is used to thank someone (l3zz, layhfdek, itoub…), or to show one’s admiration (big up, awesome…).

Literally, it can be translated by “Glory” or “Pride”.[/quote]
tnx tnx tnxxxxxx, u read my thoughts, it’s been a while that i see “itoub” and wanted to know what it means, so it’s the same to l3z… thanks a lot :slight_smile:

[quote=achminfar9]@ Gretchen l3azz is a beautiful expression…it rolls off the back of my mouth like a non-stinging baby swarm of cool, friendly bees.

but i never heard a girl say it…except LA…and shes kinda mannish i guess?? [center]:blink::^^::yuck::^^::yuck::blink:[/center][/quote]
Thank you :slight_smile:
so if l3az is mannish, what’s the girlish word of it?

PS DL… u called him “shika bika”!!! nice nickname :smiley:
so you doula 7abiby, u never use it so what do u use instead?

[quote=LallaAïcha]lol i told u that the crack is fine with me :stuck_out_tongue: i prefer crack over little boys who still need to mature :PPP

im kidding dudette, i’ll leave him alone safi safi :smiley: x[/quote]
oooooooooh dnt even get me started!!
ok ok deep breath ama indulge in chocolate now lol

safi safi
peace established :stuck_out_tongue:

someone should tell her, ana m3andi fikra walou ga3…girls i kno would pry just not say anything :D…but dang just say it if i were u gretchen :slight_smile: you can start a trend and appropriate it 4 the ladies

ok ill start: l3aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaz
l3az, l3az, l3az, l3az, l3az

there, dat should do it :smiley:

lollllll people like LA don’t listen to “what girls should say and what they shouldn’t say”

dangggg not that gangster

nah it has nothing to do with being gansgter, im not even gangster maan, if u came to aus u’d see that most girls are like this, ummm i think…

they all do what they shouldnt do and say what they shouldnt say za3ma?..mst be a pretty mixed up society

nah, we aren’t rebels, the only thing we don’t obey is the “oh girls should be saying this and not that” … who puts those rules anyway?

yay good job we scared another new member away by excessively posting on his introduction

No problem, continue…

Shika, of course he was only joking… dar darek, come by more often.

jjjjjjj l7amdoulillah ba9i kayn anta l3ezzzz sma7 lina

hell no i wasnt…wach darek dari 7ta ana?? mzyiane jib liya chi kaskrota :stuck_out_tongue:

hahahahaahahahaha! wa baz 3lik ya ach :roll: lol

soubi chi atay amimi llah r7am loualidayn??? :stuck_out_tongue: u were just bragging about ur skills the other day jjjjj

someone should tell her, ana m3andi fikra walou ga3…girls i kno would pry just not say anything :D…but dang just say it if i were u gretchen :slight_smile: you can start a trend and appropriate it 4 the ladies[/quote]
lol ach :smiley:
look, i think it’s the same here. There’re words that we say it’s guy-ish more but some girls use it for like (rawshana) or actually we have nothing to use instead!!

shika is understanding, he sees that the way we are; we are the twist-ors…
thanks shika and welcome again and again

yeah i know what youre saying

what i think is really funny-- some moroccan ppl tell me when they hear a guy speaking 3amiyya he sounds feminine or girly!!