Zaghrouta Smiley

yeah I think so,
so we are loud…& talkative!!

Ladies, we should beware of a “ladies genocide” :s :stuck_out_tongue:

hahaha Gretchen, if there was to be a gender genocide, it would definitely be the other way around.,. ladies slaughtering men! xD

lolllll, yeah yeah, I’m gonna be there [holding a cleaver :P]
but we should find some cause and faults in them, (it won’t be hard I know) cause they already knew we’re loud and talkative, their cause that they want some quietness in the world

looool they have too many faults to count… and yes you have stated one of them, the most important one, since it threatens our existence :stuck_out_tongue:

btw Gret, where did you find that emoticon from? the zaghrouta… i wanna send some to admin, but I’m not sure where to look… did you google them?

no actually I don’t google for icons or avs, I find some strange things…
walhi I dont remember hun, I found it while I was tidying my pc :blush:
so sorry sis …

ok hun thanks, i have some msn ones but i don’t know how to save them to my pc so that admin can upload them here… anyway i’ll find a way :slight_smile:

yeah me too dont know how 2 save them and lost loads of some beautiful ones when i formatted my hard…
nchallah u’ll find a way

(actually there was an illegal…no no, let me be a gud person :P)

hahaha let’s remain legal :wink:

ok i’m gonna look for some now and then nchallah nwizz admin

ok sis
nchallah u’ll find some nice ones :slight_smile:

i found some, but i think if we put too many it will flood it, i should just pick the best ones from the lot…

yeah sure, many ones wouldnot* look so good.
i know that u know what to select and u’re gonna choose the best

you know what? I remembered one I had on msn s1 slaps s1 else, OMG! that would be so useful, u know right?
did u find s1 like that?


loool ya gritty i reckon that would be excellent but i’m still looking for more, and yeah i have some violent ones with people slapping/hitting each other BUT some might not work on the forum,., nchallah they do though :smiley: yayyy good idea

no need for so violent one…just a friendly slapping (is there any friendly slap exist in this world!!)

NOTE: i’ve editted my previous post, and I should not say s1 for emoicons!!!

that’s fine :slight_smile: there was no problem with your post anyway??

well ehem they are a biiiiit violent :stuck_out_tongue: but you know some are not too clear so i’m loooking for better ones. so many advertisements and rubbish on sites its annoying… anyway im still searching :za:

lollllllllll…ok, keep on searching
I’ll try to see in my folders too to a s.l.a.p.p.y one…evil laugh

ohohohoooo ok :smiley:

i found so many that we will all love to use on madridista

YES :okay:
bravo sis :wink:

Done! When Admin takes a look and adds them, we’ll find out :smiley:

can’t w8 to see 'em :wink:

[quote=LallaAïcha]ohohohoooo ok :smiley:

i found so many that we will all love to use on madridista[/quote]
LOOL cant w8 to see em LOL :okay:
and ur soo right 3icha I don’t care if we’ve been cursed with loud mouths I sooooooooo wouldn’t have it any other way!! big up girl power!! :za: :za: :za: