What would you do if......

I’d ask “rrjal” wla “ana” ? and he’ll say “inti” bien sur, so khalas no problem :stuck_out_tongue:

WWYD if… your partner was stealing all your property from you?

OMG Mad ur hillarious!! :rofl:

I’d drug em when they wer asleep and b4 they know it they’ll be in the middle of the Amazon lol

WWYD if a burglar has just broken into ur home and ur home alone but the burglar doesn’t know that?

i’ll bring all possible arms i have at home and meet him in the toilet :smiley:

WWYD if ur fallin from a roof ( 150 m :stuck_out_tongue: )

oh duuuuuuuuuuuuuuuude im at uni and wallah im trying so hard not to burst out laughing omg! lol

In btw my screams id say the Shahada and ask for forgiveness :cry:

WWYD if you’ve just missed ur train and the next ones not in for the next half an hour and ur appointments in 5 min?

hahahahahhaha if my appointment is with a moroccan , i wont care lol he’ll be late too

WWYD if u take the wrong train :smiley: and 2h remains to the next station ?

after a good deal of swearing i’d take the train home lol

WWYD if…ur work MUST be at the teachers office at 3:00 without fail and ur computer crashes at 2:59?

I’d probably put the computer itself at the teacher’s office & say : “fix it if u can” , though i don’t think i’m rude enough to achieve that :angel:

WWYD If the exam was about the exact page of the book that u didn’t revise ?

hhahahahah it happens always to me :smiley: , once i studied everythin for an exam except a paragraph , i was so tired and i couldnt add one data to my brain , so i called a friend of mine and i told him plz focus on that paragraph :smiley: and yeah in the exam we had it lol ( ofcourse i copied from him everythin )

WWYD if u find ur husband/wife having *** with ur neighbour in ur house ?? ( lol i know i could say if u find ur husband cheatin u and i stop :stuck_out_tongue: but i wanted to be cleaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarr lol )

you must have just watched “khiyana mashroo3a” (legal cheating) !
i would…i would :roll: well…the Qur’an says 100 jalda ! but since our governement is not Qur’anic ! …i keep my digital cam with me for such occasions, i need evidences for a decree.

WWYD if you heard some "pip"s coming from the bag of the bearded man next to you on the bus.

dude where did u hear 100 jalda :smiley: where did come from this number hhhhhh
in ur case ghadi tkon mertek mo7ssana w zina dial mo7ssana pikh piiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiikh … kon b9at ghir f jeld rah biiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiikhir

well i’d do nothing … i dont care since its in his bag

WWYD if u find out that u dont have money and ur in a chic restaurant :stuck_out_tongue: ?

I would do a “hit & run” xd

WWYDI your teacher (a male if your a guy answering & a female if you’re a girl) tells you the only way for you to pass this course is if you would sleep with him/her? hahha

hahahahahahahhahahahha i’d tell him ok and bring police with me :stuck_out_tongue:

WWYDI ur father asks u to sleep with him ?? lol this is for both males and females wuahhaha

OOOMFG TFOOO lol that would never ever happen… hahhaa i don’t even know what to say i’m speechless… if that would’ve happen i wouldn’t consider him as my father any longer

WWYDI someone was spreading rumors about your family?

hhahahahaha i’ll pay someone to f*** him and take him pix and vid … i will publish this in youtube :smiley:

WWYDI u have an important presentation and u lost ur voice :stuck_out_tongue: ?

Instead of publishing it…blackmail him ;D you get paid this way, hiih

I’d do my presentation in PowerPoint instead, so they can read it and see pics instead

WWYDI you got a flat tire in the middle of nowhere?

lol do i have a mobile phone :stuck_out_tongue: ??

WWYDI u get lost in the desert ? u dont have a cellphone :stuck_out_tongue:

I make sure in advance that doesn’t happen.

WWYDI you get sick on your wedding day?

i wont have a wedding :smiley:

WWYDI you accidently eat a poison ?


WWYD if someone just stabbed you ?

Ask for help or call 112.

WWYDI you get send to a foreign country, which language you don’t speak?