Hey everyone, another game for all us fun loving ppl lol
Ok basically each member has to present a situation (as realistic as poss ) to somebody else and ask them what they would do if they were in that situation and after that person has answered they then present another situation for the next member to answer e.g:
What would you if…a group of bull dogs passed you in the street?
I’d stick to the side of the road as much as possible without screaming for help lol :hm:
What would you do if… you saw a woman struggling to hold her shopping whilst trying to calm down her screaming kid?
1- spread the amount: some to parents, brother, family back in turkia
2- … that’s for me to know and you not to know
3- charity of course
4- open a business
5- pay off family’s mortgage
6- buy a better house -mansion preferably-
7- … think about what to do with the rest
What would you do if you… broke your neighbour’s expensive car’s window?
waaaw this is why i dont have a best best best friend
but if he/she is just a friend … life goes on , that his/her problem , the most important for me is his/her attitude with me
awww not nice I would live the rest of my life the best i can, and do allllll my qada prayers and alllllll my other things i need to do before the grave
I would infect as many as possible, so i wouldn’t have died alone jk tvi tvi tvi…Lol omg what a question…i would travel as much as possible and spend my time with my closest
WWYI you got caught jumping on the train without paying?