What is your current favorite song?

safi…idan tsana joj ddqayeq :slight_smile:

ok hani kantsenna while im listening to :


lzain l3atak allah: http://new.mawaly.com/music/Greeny/track/33389

tfla: http://new.mawaly.com/music/Greeny/track/33399

u should do the rest; go and download…

zin lli 3tak llah metlou manl9ah zin lli 3tak llah metlou manl9ah diiiima fi bali nhar w lyaliiiii …
loooooooooooooooolllll this is soooooooooo moroccan :stuck_out_tongue:
he is singing here in chamalia ; this song is 100% chamalia :wink:

about tefla , yeah i find it Rai too , i didnt like it :s

thnx anyway GiGi

what’s chamalia? Anyway, there’s a line I’ve prepared to ask about. U know I’m having a notepad file on the desktop where I add questions that come to my mind…I’m putting there a question about a line of that song I’m gonna post l8r, tomorrow probably isA :slight_smile:

hahhaha ok chamalia refers to ppl or the language of the north of morocco

I guessed so, but didnt believe, cause I think chamalia are like Tangier. Tangier? :huh:

tangiers is only a city in chamal , there is also tetuan , laaraich , azila , chaoun …

so I’m kinda right…cause I know that Tangier’s dialect is different from casa’s and others too. And it was said that it’s not just dif, but completely different to the extent that it’s not arabic or french, mostly spanish.
If he really sang in chamalia, so these all were hadra khawya bzaf…

noooo u can understand some words , just try :wink:

yeah in fact I got the lyrics and I managed to understand some…
but will ask too inshallah in a line, or maybe more since that u’ve heard it
and btw, what about the 2nd one, is it rai?

yeah its rai :s so im considerin it more algerian than moroccan :stuck_out_tongue:
since Rai for me is algerian

be easy. Anyway, the writer and composer of it is someone called sth elgazayri…but that also doesnt mean he’s Algerian. Anyway, nmooot 3la hadi elchanson wel chanteur in fact ^-^

Of cooourse, I was obsessed with his song el kbeer kbeer for a while :stuck_out_tongue:

yeah I like it too :smiley: It’s like we say in masri (not darija) “gamda awy.” He’s making a gr8 work in his fan page on FB. U know, days ago he posted the song he made for Amr Diab’s b’day :smiley:

who knows maybe he is ism 3ala mossama :stuck_out_tongue:

robama Mad…chkon y3ref?! (right so far?) Dont forget Razan Maghrabi aint maghribia :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Oh I forget btw Mad…what about the french part in Grini’s song, plzzzzz?
I’m gonna send the translation of the masri part (of Amr’s song) into darija, but 1st I’ll post 'em to you for correction…ok?

looooooooool yeah razaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan i used to like her she is cuuuute but lately i find her a lil bit B**chy :s

looolllll which french part ??? in his rai song ?? tefla ?
ok post 'em , even though im sure they r gonna be right :stuck_out_tongue:

the french part of the vid I posted yesterday “ya khsartak fel layali”, tfla has no french i know wallah (except l-probleme)…I was about to ask here for tfla’s lyrics but alhamdulellah after tremendous searches I got it all :slight_smile:

My translation I’m gonna post in the msri thread for ur correction first…

ok im gonna listen again to ya khsartak fel layali coz i didnt finish it yesterday and didnt notice any french