What is ur religion ??

I’m muslim but i’m not very religious =)

what do u mean by not very religious ? u dont pray , u dont do ramadan … yak ?

No i don’t pray, i did ramadan for the first time this year actually :wink: ive done it b4 but not the whole month of ramadan

God is immaginary & religions are all fairy tales <— that’s it right ?[/quote]
Not quite. I think humans invented religion to explain the thing in the world they couldn’t explain. They didn’t know how the world could be created, so it had to be a higher power --> God. Well, I prefer to believe in science.

[quote=Paperbird]you need to think again. i aint asking u to convert to my religion, but just try to find God, there must be some part of you that tells you God exist.
we religious people can tell that God exist just by looking around, this life & its wonders, the universe & its orders…etc.[/quote]
I was raised religious. And it wasn’t till after my confirmation that I started to think and couldn’t believe any more in God. I study Oriental Studies and part of it is also religion (Islam) so I know a lot about this religion, but with everything I learn about it I know even more that it is not my religion. When I look around I find rational reasons: the big bang, evolution etc.
Well it took people a long time to explain lightning, so you find in every Ancient Religion a God that is responsible for the lightning. There are still thing that science can’t explain, but only because nobody knows the explanation yet, doesn’t mean there isn’t a logical explanation out there.

That’s your right to believe that, but I don’t have to believe it, too. Don’t get me wrong. Religion can be good, it doesn’t only takes a way the fear of the unexplained in the world it give also a reason to live and to live a good life, it brings also order in society. But on the other hand how many people have died because of their religion…

No i don’t pray, i did ramadan for the first time this year actually wink ive done it b4 but not the whole month of ramadan

oh great :smiley: good luck sister

Excuse me sis, you must have thought about that alot. I just like to know what do you think of how we were created?

Thanks u.[/quote]
Well there was the big bang and some how life started in the ocean. Thanks to evolution from this primitive forms of life came more complex forms and they developed somehow into apes and from that into humans. So no creation, but evolution.

Haha thanks but good luck with exactly what?

Haha thanks but good luck with exactly what?[/quote]
good luck with becoming an 3alim like himself

zwin okhty :slight_smile:

but again who created the ocean and such primitive and complex forms from which all these evolotion had developed?!

I want to reach that as long as their is a creation, be it ocean, sky, earth, wind…etc so there must be a creator, we Muslims say that Creator is Allah.

I know you’re gonna say u’r free to believe that, and I’m replying u’r free too sis. But think about it again :slight_smile:

Sth else, some ppl after war or due to slavery (in past times I mean) they suffer alot that they started not to sympathize with Christ’s sacrifice and suffering, and others, like Nietzsche, said that God is dead. But these all must have happened for a raeson, at least war makes us know that there’s peace…any idea can be concluded.

Again, if you’re gonna say that I’m free to believe that, I’m replying u’r free too sis. Just wanna think out loud wiz you :slight_smile:

Haha thanks but good luck with exactly what?[/quote]
good luck with becoming an 3alim like himself[/quote]
loooooooooooolllllllll LA im not a 3alim yet :stuck_out_tongue:

taf… just a question plzzzzz :stuck_out_tongue:
did u fast ramadan without prayin ?

Haha thanks but good luck with exactly what?[/quote]
good luck with becoming an 3alim like himself[/quote]
or may be good luck in fasting as well in the coming Ramadans isA

inchallah… she can do it

Haha thanks but good luck with exactly what?[/quote]
good luck with becoming an 3alim like himself[/quote]
loooooooooooolllllllll LA im not a 3alim yet :stuck_out_tongue:

taf… just a question plzzzzz :stuck_out_tongue:
did u fast ramadan without prayin ?[/quote]
Haha yes… so doesn’t it count that i’ve been fasting?

Choukran sis :hap: xD

loooollll well i didnt work in allah’s secretary but i think no
well infact we dont know … only God can say if it counts or not
but as i said keep goin like that :stuck_out_tongue: daba twesli

Yes you’re right only God can if it ocunts or not x)

Thanks :stuck_out_tongue: imma continue this way lol xD

Did you pray urself? xD

h r u tafoukt ? fine ? im great thnx
c u soon

HAHAHAHAHA :smiley: :smiley: :mdr: lol Mad so i take it as a no then :stuck_out_tongue:

h r u tafoukt ? fine ? im great thnx
c u soon
loooooool :smiley:

that’s y I knew that u didnt mean u wished Tafoukt to 3alim like Aisha said :smiley:

seriously Mad, what…about…you…brother ??

well im muslim sunni