What is this world coming to??!!

Mr007 which has been banned, I totally agree with u about the tight jeans, I too wanna screaaaaaaaaaaam my vocal cords out when i see that frightening view :blink:

hey eveyone…im new to the site and came accross this post…so i thought id add to it :slight_smile:

i think its disgraceful that this happend to an 8yr old girl…and i think society is to blame…but i think that you cant sit and blame the peoples parents/upbringing for how they…because at the end of the day you can have two people brought up by the same fam in the same society but they turn out completely different…and baout sex ed, i dont think kids should be getting it at a young age (i was taught it at the age of 9 in my school) and then every year onwards it was complusary for us to have the classes as well as “health” which was teaching about protections, and weather or not it was the right time…being brought up in a western society i can understand why they give these classes…if you think about it from the “adult” porpective…if kids are doing these things at a young age isnt it better to educate them about it so they are aware of consequences etc…i know obviously in islam you dont do anything sexual untill your married…but as you see the world becoming more and more “westernised” you have to question why this is…now i am a young muslimah brought up in the uk but that doesnt meen i forget my roots…it is tough being brought up in a society like this…but i understand that here it is the “norm” for things like this to happen…but what disappoints me is that when i start seeing things like this happening back home in bled…because ive seen with my own eyes the difference the way morocco has become…i meen i remember when boys would be able to go out, but bnet kybkaw f dar, w people ken m7tarmin…everyone used to respect people…but now all i see when i go back to morocco is people wanting to get out of there…to go to europe bcoz they think life there is better…i see boys and girls getting upto things they shouldnt…and im not saying everyone is like this…but should we be questioning why this is happening…and you cant blame the peoples upbringings because ive seen people come from a very religious family, but then once they step outside the home they are exposed to the “western ways”…i think it depends on the person…a lot of people have lost thier faith in islam and have weak souls…so i think the real issue is not how society influences people…i think the real issue is that we should be doning something to re inforse islam…we should be doing things to guide people…i meen im half english…i wasnt brought up a strict muslim…but alhamdulillah at a young age i always questioned about islam…i always questioned why if things are the way of islam to people not follow…and alhamdulillah i learnt these things…and i dont know…i think that if if things go back to they way they were…like i remember if a girl was seen smoking in the street back in maghreb they used to get taken back to their fam and get a good battering…if a guy was caught with a girl theyd get taken down to the police station and the fams would be called and then most would end up getting engaged…i meen a lot of things have changed…but i think even though a lot of people dont like the change eveyone just sits back and does nothing…i think eveyone needs to stand together and make a difference…theres no point not agreeing with things and leavin it as that…no…if you see someone doing wrong try and educate them…if you dont agree with how people act…do something about it…theres no point sitting back and judging people for thier actions…because everyone makes mistakes…but rebbi ysmehna inchallah…but what you can always do is try and make a change…try and make things the way they should…

just a thought :slight_smile:

it was a long but interesting read… thanks Lella Ita

I just wanna add that here in Sweden S** ed is given in 6th grade when we’re 12 years old about to turn 13, I don’t think the children are so “innocent” any more at that age, they know because they’ve heard from friends and seen it on TV. But the picture given in musicvideos and movies is often very far from reality, so it’s better to learn it the scientific way in school when you are 12, than believe in what you see on TV where s** is made to be some kind of thing you do to be popular, get status and “have fun” with hot girls or something.

I don’t know how they teach it in morocco, but from my experience there most guys and girls seems to believe in the tv/musicvid version. With that I mean all of the girls who are dressing in small outfits trying to look “hot”, and the guys who whistle after us girls and try to pick us up with disgusting, cheesy lines and “confidence” (they just come off as creepy to us who were raised in northern europe).