OMG on the news an 8 year old girl was raped by two 10 year old boys!!! :sh: :sh: :sh: :sh: :sh:
YA ALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! What has this world come too!!! :blink: :blink: :blink:
omg its sooooo scary how our societies have sunk so low for something so filthy to happen by kids…KIDS!!! who were once upon a time innocent but now…:no: :no: :no:
omg im lost for words… lost…:hm: :flag:
Here we go !
“your kids must have a 6 culture in early ages” - says the west to our societies.
here are the results of teaching kids about the “forbidden fruit”, today in my country i’m surprised to hear some kids talkin about girls in such a “WTF” way…
shame on the system that creates monsters out of children :@
mad, it might be called “sexual education” in your books, but in mine its called “unnecessarily f*ing up the minds of innocent children”
I just read a news story about a 4 year old drunk toddler in Texas who is going around stealing christmas presents from his neighbour’s christmas trees… wtfffffff a 4 yr old drunkard!!!
ya rebbi ya see? Allah!! wer losing our generation to monsters.The Bloody government wants to make it compulsary for 5 year olds to have sexual education so that there r less teenage pregnancies when in fact itll be the opposite, how stupid r they!!! and they dare tell us our way of bringing up kids is backward…
As far as i remember, we studied about Mr Bull & Mrs Cow in 5th grade, it was 1999 for me i believe i was 12, & also as far as remember we studied about Mr & Mrs Human in 6th grade.
hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh sara7a i found it a good idea … sexual education helps a lot
dont think that if we make it a taboo subject … ppl arent gonna make sex or there will be less teenage pregnancies as mini said
Mad, the question is about when to start talking about it in a scientific way…
I don’t remember mr bull and mrs cow, are we from the same planet?
I don’t remember well about 6th grade, but it was mostly that the teacher was embarrassed, wanted to get rid of the lesson quickly, on a the-one-dares-to-even-smile-or-joke-will-get-hell-of-a-kicking basis
of course most kids already know about this from friends etc but the fact that innocent kids are being exposed to it when theyre babies is so not right :no:
I am now faced with daily occurances of men walkin around in the tightest of jeans, with hair curled and straightened wearing ‘manly long coats’ and so called ‘man handbags’ delicately held on their forearms, and now there are long dangling necklaces i see too…now excuse me to go ouside and scream…
arrrrrrrrrrrrghhhhh same here!!! i feel that i can no longer sight any males in my vicinity!!! except for those very rare ones who decide to dress more masculine and SPEAK more masculine… none of those at uni though i can tell ya that much… :roll: sigh
[quote=mini91]OMG on the news an 8 year old girl was raped by two 10 year old boys!!! :sh: :sh: :sh: :sh: :sh:
YA ALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! What has this world come too!!! :blink: :blink: :blink:
omg its sooooo scary how our societies have sunk so low for something so filthy to happen by kids…KIDS!!! who were once upon a time innocent but now…:no: :no: :no:
omg im lost for words… lost…:hm: :flag:[/quote]
I’m sorry but our country is a country which contains human beings made of flesh and blood.
Every country has stories like this sometimes even worse things happen, like kids murdering kids.
To say that this is appaling, with that I totally agree, and where the influence came from to commit such a henious act, God knows.
Could be a movie they saw could be something else who know kids that age are very influencable.
To link that horrendous crime with our societies, with that I disagree.
We have a beautifull society and we still have ra7ma in our hearts.
If your thirsty or even hungry the first door you knock on on Moroccan soil will open with hospitality and greetings.
Try to do that in some other countries.
To come to a conclusion please don’t generalize.