Just wanna know what “Wesh 7al” means or if its actually “sh7al” as in one word or said quickly?
Does it mean “how much?” :huh:
I dunno I think I heard my Aunty say it when we were shoppin lol
merci in advance
and also what does “lamma(m?) baghiyat khalleeny murad” mean? Im writing what I heard in a song but I don’t know if the begining is actualli “lamma” coz Im sure u dnt say Lamma in darja for “when…”
mini , if “wesh 7al” is algerian , it may have another meaning ; i think ive heard an algerian sayin this
otherwise , if it is one word … moulay is right
about the other sentence ; can u post the song here
lamma = i think its a negative clause marker (?) - or the other possibility is that it means “mum” but thats just a wild guess lol
baghit = I want
khalleny = leave me
murad = Murad
but i wouldn’t know what that means as a sentence, peut-etre: I don’t want you to leave me Mourad (??)
[quote=Madridista]mini , if “wesh 7al” is algerian , it may have another meaning ; i think ive heard an algerian sayin this
otherwise , if it is one word … moulay is right
about the other sentence ; can u post the song here[/quote]
Yeah I think its one word, I just thought the “wesh” part might have been said like “sh” in a quick way as for the song its here:
lamma = i think its a negative clause marker (?) - or the other possibility is that it means “mum” but thats just a wild guess lol
baghit = I want
khalleny = leave me
murad = Murad
but i wouldn’t know what that means as a sentence, peut-etre: I don’t want you to leave me Mourad (??)[/quote]
haha no I dnt think it means mum, but as for your other guesses, thats exactly what i came up with, but it didn’t make sense, so I want to know what the whole sentence means
hahahahahhaha i was suuuuuuuuuuuuuuure about that ; loooolll ur learning ur darija from Rai music heheheheheh well i must respect tastes ofcourse , but im so sorry i cant listen to that :s
maybe another native here can do that
yayyyy mini i like Cheb Douzi tooo, well not him, but his songs… some there’s one song of his that a special friend told me about, and its “Laki Galbi”, its got an aweeeeesome beat, was hooked onto it for a while, though it;s not in darija but in fos7a
Madrid don’t be mean and just do it, you’ll be rewarded with… a rai cd… what more could you ask for? hhhhhh no seriously, tfaddal llah ykhllik akhoya…
[quote=Madridista]hahahahahhaha i was suuuuuuuuuuuuuuure about that ; loooolll ur learning ur darija from Rai music heheheheheh well i must respect tastes ofcourse , but im so sorry i cant listen to that :s
maybe another native here can do that :)[/quote]
Well it doesn’t really harm me coz as you said Rai songs use mostly Algerian words so that’s beneficial for moi and pweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeety please translate it!!! :plz: Don’t listen to the whole thing, just listen to the first sentence and the choras w khalas! I know el wlf s3ib means the separation is hard but what does he say at the end of those sentences??
[quote=LallaAïcha]yayyyy mini i like Cheb Douzi tooo, well not him, but his songs… some there’s one song of his that a special friend told me about, and its “Laki Galbi”, its got an aweeeeesome beat, was hooked onto it for a while, though it;s not in darija but in fos7a
Madrid don’t be mean and just do it, you’ll be rewarded with… a rai cd… what more could you ask for? hhhhhh no seriously, tfaddal llah ykhllik akhoya…
haha I know! I love “laki Qalbi” its sooo cool that the whole song is in Fus7a, makes it soo easy to understand it! lol Have you heard “Ayli Ayli” now that is my fav
LOL @ the Rai cd part, me thinks that’s not gonna work as a bribery hahahaha but u will get the reward of helping ur fellow sis out who is in dire need of help (ok not dire need, just dying to know lol) what more could u ask?! lol