Please I’d like to know these in Darija?
as long as
from now on
2-I’d like to know too how to the say the following in Darija? (cause I think I’ll use alot when I go Casa isA):
“excuse me! I didn’t hear you. Would you please repeat again?”
3- I want to make sure if I translated the following correctly or not:
“can someone explain how this thing works?” = “yeqdar/yemken chi w7ed kychra7 kefach had elchi kykhdm/ktkhdm?”
This also brings me to another question. We know that work =khdm. Is this apply to both person and things, or does it has another word when it come to things?
4- The following are usually said by some1 Moroccan, and I need to know what they mean, please?
. Moroccans usually write this “tt”, i think it’s short for sth french, isnt it? (tout)?
. hadra
. l3z
. rime
Merci bzaf in advance 
this/that = hada or hadi / hadak or hadik
as long as = ma7d ( ana ma7di , nta ma7dk , howa ma7dou hya ma7dha …)
I’ll stay as long as you need me. = anb9a m3ak ma7dk me7tajni
from now on = mn daba lfou9
2-I’d like to know too how to the say the following in Darija? (cause I think I’ll use alot when I go Casa isA):
“excuse me! I didn’t hear you. Would you please repeat again?”
sme7li ! masme3tkch mezian . 3awd ach golti 3afak .
3- I want to make sure if I translated the following correctly or not:
“can someone explain how this thing works?” = y9der chi wa7d ychre7li kifach kaykhdem hadchi ??
This also brings me to another question. We know that work =khdm. Is this apply to both person and things, or does it has another word when it come to things?
=====> yes khdm is for both person and things
4- The following are usually said by some1 Moroccan, and I need to know what they mean, please?
. Moroccans usually write this “tt”, i think it’s short for sth french, isnt it? (tout)? yes its french
. hadra = klam
. l3z = cool
. rime = maybe its a name Rime
wa llaho a3lam
jib l3az wlla kHazzzzzzzzzz
Ana wld al-boughazzzzzzzzz
shuya ma3ghazzzz
kirshi butagazzzzzz …
thank you bzaf, but btw, ur “as long as” is so difficult than ours…
i think rime is not just name, probably was miswriting, like the misprint.
But are you sure that “l3z” is cool? It never seemed to me to be so!
Excuse me, mafhmet walou 
ok gret thats complicated a lil bit since its slang
u can use l3ez to mean cool but also if u wanna say ok
today i use it to mean SAFI , my friend told me hey i’ll give u a missed call when i finish my lunch then i said : l3ez atl9ani kantsenak , i can say also : safi atl9ani kantsenak
if u gimme the whole sentence i can help u more
btw what is ur as long as ??
Well I just read it by itself: someone writes a compliment and the reply is l3z…
Our “as long as” is talama or maadam, used for every pronoun to any pronoun
oh yeah right we use MADAM too
madam nta mech’ghoul ana nemchi ldar = as long as ur busy i’ll go home
thnx gret i forgot that one ( i dont use it a lot loooollll )
[quote=Ouazzani]jib l3az wlla kHazzzzzzzzzz
Ana wld al-boughazzzzzzzzz
shuya ma3ghazzzz
kirshi butagazzzzzz …
I can’t not translate in english exactly, so I will try to be closer:
jib l3az wlla kHazzzzzzzzzz
Give-me the honour/veneration (=glory?) or push you away /pousse-toi / get away
(muslim --> A tanjawi rap star (cheb Adil elMiloudi stoled some of his words, more or less this previous sentence)
Ana wld al-boughazzzzzzzzz
I am a sun of the Boughaz (the darija tanjawi name for the Strait of Gibraltar)
shuya ma3ghazzzz
A little bit lazy
Kirshi butagazzzzzzzzzz…
My stomach is a buta-gaz (a gaz bottle big and tqila used in Morocco)
(Ouazzani—> ME)

For the word l3azz, I had problems to understand it. My friends tried to translate it, and was very hard to understand. I understood that means “glory”. So, it’s a substantive. I looked in the dictionary and says something like this (I translate from spanish):
3azz --> 1 - To honorate, venerate (to somebody), to consider good (something). Ex: Allah y3azz la-Hkam (“may good consider good the sentences”), 3azz Allah el-malik (may good honorate the king)
2 - 3azz 3la: to make sad (somebody)
So, it consideres it a verb, and pick up some examples from ancien texts or native historys recorded by the author himself. But the meaning it’s exactly what the song it’s above and my friends told me.
Ok, I can not get better answer for 3azz
seems like u like to exhaust urself…
alright, madam bjoj are right, I’ll use it
(btw, i was forgetting madam too, i dont use it on chatting or writing anyway on the internet cause it sounds like M’me)
thank you for translating 
yes gret lool the same reason for me
li chaf chi ygoul llah yster :no:
Ok, I edited the precedent post, so now you have a response for l3azz. You can search for muslim videos in youtube.
Can you translate, plis? I don’t understand. Thanks. And check the “3azz” explanation on the dictionary, let’s see if it’s something as you knew it.
Muuuuuuuuuuuuuchas gracias, ah khawa.
hahhahahah i was kiddin with u when i said lli chaf chi ygoul llah yster 
word by word it means = who saw something , should say ‘‘allah yster’’ ( gret help me with this lol allah yostor )
this idiom is used when someone says sth none sens or when u see someone doin sth so crazy
about l3ezz , well in the dictionary it says d same thing u found but in slang its used for other reasons
lol Mad
yeah, I got iy & was going to reply & say it: allah yster

Easy Ouazzani…
Wallah, ma fahamta Htta q***a (pardon my french)…
Nooooooooo, I found it: Allah yisterna --> Que Dios nos proteja… (God protects us)
And now, I need to sleep… long working day tomorrow, so allah iSabbaHkum b el khir w er-rbaH
Bona nit!
pay attention to ur mean words
in morocco they can be so offensive if u use them with ppl u dont know
u can use ma fhemt 7ta le3ba , mafhemt 7ta wezza ===> those r slang but acceptable
ma fahamta Htta kilma. I know what you’re talking about. In some cases, I was so asssssssssshamed… :oops:
wezza? LOL @ ur slangs. I like this 
good boy hahahahhaha 
@ gret
hahahahahha i still have more dont worry