The Person Below Me...

No, i don’t like it i LOOOOOVE it =] actually that’ll be yes then.

The person below me has been to Istanbul.

No, not yet :frowning:

The person below me wears glasses.


The person below me has a Mac computer.


The person below me doesn’t like chocolate.

false, i luv it.

the person below me likes couscous ?

yes :smiley:
the person below me likes music?

Of cause.

The person below me plans to to something good this week end.


The person below me loves to dance


The person below me loves bubble baths.

Not too much!

The person below me is little bite lazy


The person below me likes cookies.


the person below me smokes (cigarettes, not hasheesh :hap:)

No ! > < I will encourage others not to !!

Person below me can’t swim…

Of cause I can swim!

The person below me had a nice breakfast today.

if having milkshake for breakfast is considered a nice one then YES! :slight_smile:

the person below me freaks out from spiders…


The person below me watches TV right now.

no, i am not watching tv, aussie tv isn’t so entertaining…

the person below me is cold now.

No, the heater is on.

The person below me likes to cook.

No, i wish i knew how to :stuck_out_tongue:

person below me can make yummy moroccan food

No, just one kind of cookies.

The person below me is female.