The last letter ...

enough enough :ok:

my word is dyal

[quote=Touta]enough enough :ok:

my word is dyal[/quote]
La3ssal (lol)

… Aflatoun, we usually put a translation to :roll: could u ?

La3ssal…, ( honey)

lauz = almond

zabda = butter

ignoring the ‘ta mabuta’ ‘a’ - a ‘d’ word :

dadus = dice

Sardine = Sardine (small oily fish) …, Now, can you please give me an example of something that smells like fish or Sardine?

… that smells like fish or sardine !!! :open_mouth: uummmm maybe you :roll:

namoussya = bed

ignoring taa mabuta … and Madridista’s charicteristically rude comment ! :fouet:

yak —> a kind of emphatic interrogative particle similar to English
‘question tags’ e.g “hasn’t he?” “didn’t we?” “isn’t it?”

           example from Harrell's Dictionary :  I told you, didn't I ? 
                                                                yak qrolthalek ?

          What do you say, native-speakers ? Do you agree ?

… and… come to think of it … how do you translate English ‘yak!!’ (or yuck!) i.e. response to an unpleasant (fishy !!) or other smell (or sight) ?

[quote=lise_c]ignoring taa mabuta … and Madridista’s charicteristically rude comment ! :fouet:

yak —> a kind of emphatic interrogative particle similar to English
‘question tags’ e.g “hasn’t he?” “didn’t we?” “isn’t it?”

           example from Harrell's Dictionary :  I told you, didn't I ? 
                                                                yak qrolthalek ?

          What do you say, native-speakers ? Do you agree ?[/quote]

yes i agree :stuck_out_tongue:

and yuck would be YEEEEEEEEEEE3333333333

Dear Lisa,
(…), without further ado, I am so sorry you feel that you have to feel this/that way. [ accompanied with my sympathy and hand on your shoulder]

Dear Lisa,
(…), without further ado, I am so sorry you feel that you have to feel this/that way. [ accompanied with my sympathy and hand on your shoulder][/quote]
Hi Aflatoun

I think there’re some “crossed wires” here (English idiom meaning “misunderstanding”).

The Darija word ‘yak’, simply made me think of the English word with a similar pronunciation and a totally different meaning and my question was how that meaning - i.e. response to an unpleatant smell / sight - is expressed in Darija. (I just added the word ‘fishy’ to connect to the previous post)

Dear Lisa,
(…), without further ado, I am so sorry you feel that you have to feel this/that way. [ accompanied with my sympathy and hand on your shoulder][/quote]
Hi Aflatoun

I think there’re some “crossed wires” here (English idiom meaning “misunderstanding”).

The Darija word ‘yak’, simply made me think of the English word with a similar pronunciation and a totally different meaning and my question was how that meaning - i.e. response to an unpleatant smell / sight - is expressed in Darija. (I just added the word ‘fishy’ to connect to the previous post)[/quote]
Okay, got it. Thank you… And speaking of “fishy”, I heartily hope we will not think of all “fishes” and [ some other organs/creatures] as fishy or smelly, but, I fear we will not.
Goodbye for now, with a handshake…, and the Darija word of today is, Twa7acht: I long for, (or), I yearn for.

hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh la 7ayata li man tounadi
i started hating fish … stop talkin about this guys

exaaaaaaactly! somehow we are playin here, so who is goin to say a next word ? :wink:

Okay, I can go again and initiate it ( but wish you guys can initiate it now and then)…, and the word is:
Lakhyar = cucumber ( like cucumber sauce)

Rassi = ma-head

Soussitt = sausage…, (beef and halal or vegan sausage, of course)