Show us your wallpaper!

Cleaning the dust off this topic :cool:

My current wallpaper:

But I just changed it for the one flower hues posted.

Here’s my wallpaper

Its me :ok: (on the top of the picture)

Not fair! I never tried riding a camel before!
And hey, there is no chance that we will not recognize you the next time you come to Morocco, with such a photo. We CAN see you. Giggles

A bit closer… CAN you recongize me now ?

No, no chance! But I can see your NIKON Digital Camera :^^:.

My wallpaper for today:

Image credits. You can check this out for more new images, and some ugly/scary ones as well.

I just stare at the screen and imagine I am back home on the beach in Puerto Rico.

Nice beach! It must be nice there, in Puerto Rico. It’s something to have white sand and real blue water in a beach :hap:.

I really liked the last one ! :smiley:
Please can I find it in a larger size ? :hap:

[quote=Hiba]I really liked the last one ! :smiley:
Please can I find it in a larger size ? :hap:[/quote]
Oh sure! I just looked for it all over the web, and can’t find that website I got it from to show you the link here. So I’ll just send it to you by e-mail.

Thank you !!

sierpe c’est marrant, j’ai presque le même! voilà le mien (qui me sert parfois d’avatar aussi!)

Ah oui, sierpe est une grande amoureuse de la culture indienne :). Et une grande fan de aishwarya !

Mon fond d’écran du jour !

Voici le mien, il est en très grand format mais bof…

Je l’ai trouvé dans google images et je l’ai mis en fond d’ecran !! :wink: