is there any? and what are they?
is there any? and what are they?
loooooolllll i suffer from this all the time … when u find a cure goulihali
ufffff wellah it’s soooo bad
no cuure
juss consequences
looooool za3ma that makes me feel much better, really.
loooollll yeah she is helpin us thnx ze3ma
it’s okay if you fail your studies, nothing out of the ordinary, but MEEEE, i HAVE to pass… I went to the library today so i can study but la fayda
What ??? its what ?? ordinary rabina ysam7ak ya zalem
dude i hate library a lot of girls i cant focus on my studies :s
yaaaaahhh or u a nerd like me?
in my library it was asian day. soooo many of them
loooolll is there an arabic day too ?
not at my uni… arab day happens at the crapper unis and it is arab day EVERYDAY there, so manyyyy of them, especially saudis and khalijis, now they’re coming in more… at my uni though its either indian day or asian day
looollll ok ok no moroccan then … good
no wayyy no moroccans around here, very rare… but my friend JUST told me her neighbour is moroccan, so im thinking i’ll visit her neighbours the next time im over at her place
looolllll dont forget to bring me FB’s if they have girls
hhhhh shut it! i don’t wanna harm people by the first time i meet them
hahahahhhahha duuude they are moroccans … ghadi ntfahmo binatna
dumnut… 10 days + it’s jum3a today … matnsich (?)
and no mansitch lol
lol are u blind i said matnsich not mansitch anyway its normal for you, u need to sleep
huh? what do u mean by matnsich ???