new member

Hi - I’m an American, married to a Moroccan. I’m hoping to learn darija for myself and to help my children (2 and 5) learn it. Looking forward to this resource! Thanks:)

Welcome to SpeakMoroccan :).
I hope that you’ll find here what you’re looking for. Don’t think twice before asking for help with Darija, we are here for that.
See you around.

Welcome to SpeakMoroccan!!
Hope you enjoy it!!
Feel free to ask any questions :slight_smile:

Mr7ba bik Alison!

I wonder if your children can already say a few words or darija or not. If their dad speaks the language with them, they are most likely to pick it up faster than you.
It’s very important to raise children bilingually.

:welcome: from me too!!!

Hi alison77, welcome to Speak Moroccan !

I hope we will hear soon your Darija :slight_smile:
