New member: Kazin

Salam, Hallo a tous!

I just found this amazing site in the internet.
I was in Marocco with a “friend” of mine. We were traveling with a 4x4 car - until he left me in the nowhere of the desert in the middle of the new years night.
THe Place was somewhere in the South of between Rissani and Zagora.
For me all came out fantastic as I was “adopted” by a local family. I stayed with them for 4 Weeks and learned quite a lot of Words in Tishelheid.

Back in Germany I wrote all the words down. So now I have a kind of a little Dictionary. As soon as I can I will put it in this forum here.

I hope to learn a lot more here with you - inshallah.

Al doriadn… ( A la prochaine…)


PS: Donit´tuf authâ! (Life is better than nothing!) :^^:

Welcome to the forum, Kazin :). Is that a feminine or masculine nickname? Sorry, I can’t guess.
What a story! Why would anyone let you in the middle of nowhere? Wha’ happened?

Wow at your tashl7it, you must have learned quite some language there, ha!
I just don’t see exactly what you mean by authâ though. The rest is terrific :). Tbarkllah!

mr7ba bik kazin!


nice story :smiley:

hey Kazin Mer7ba bik!

see u around :slight_smile:

WOW what an experience :smiley: You must be stronger than ever now having to deal with something like that! Mabrouk on the struggle :wink: and hey, at least you got a chance to learn a language some people are dying to learn :slight_smile:

Welcome to the forum. Enjoy your time amongst us lovely people :smiley:

3alaykum Salam, welcome to the boards.