New: Kattee

Very nice forum to learn Moroccan Arabic.
Thank you. I’m very glad to be here.

Welcome to SM.

Kattee, I’m glad to be here too :stuck_out_tongue:
Welcome and enjoy your stay

welcome katteeeeeeeee
plz introduce urself just to know u better

Hey! I’m glad you are here, and the admin and even Mad… hada fHal es-suq: diman kain shi waHid bash thadar shuya m3ah.

MarHaba bik

THank you for warm welcome! U r very kind.
When I get time I’ll try to tell more about myself. :slight_smile:
I’m half arabic but do not speak arabic :frowning:
Want to learn a bit.
Thank you for your help.

You’re really gonna find many helpful and friendly people over here.
Sorry for the l8 welcome…
I wish you’ll have nice time and enjoy ur stay with us :slight_smile:

:hi: Kattee and :welcome: :slight_smile:

pffffffffffffff matb9Awch tkhel3o lbachar :S safi wa7ed fina ygol welcome :smiley:
g remarké lli kayji kayder post wa7d kayhreb :stuck_out_tongue:

Ana f7al barghot: jit w mahrebtchi. ghadinbqa hnaya bach nchrub eddem dialkum Htta nglaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaattttttt bzzzzzzzzzzafffffffffffff… slurrrrrrrrrrpppppppppp :ok: :smiley: (como una mosca cojonera) :^^:

looolll duuuude be3ed menni al3ayl … rani mansla7ch lik :stuck_out_tongue:

glad to have u among us!1

where u from?