Moroccan women wearing lizar

Lizar is the definite form of izar, a wrapper. They are multi-purpose in Morocco, but those that women wear are definitely special.
Sa7raoui women wear lizar in a different way. And there, not only aged women do, but also young girls. It’s part of the Moroccan sa7raoui culture.
In other regions of Morocco, Moroccan women still wear lizar. This could be their interpretation of Hijab when they started doing it, but for many, it’s a mere cultural heritage.

Enough talking, admire the photos…

Baaaaaaaaaack in da time

Lovely colors:




my grandma used to wear it … till she found out that in islam the woman needs to show her face … as u said its a traditional wear … my aunt still wear it and i find it so special …
for se7rawi as u said even youngers wear it … and this is what explain why se7rawi boys knows a girl if she is pretty or not from her legs looll coz she is always covered :slight_smile:

ana yebghi yelbes lizar

nti khassek tlebsi 3e9lek be3da :smiley:

khouk travolat a akh mad
waqila nta lli oukht

lla walo nemra ghalat a sat

doudi :s chti machakil b9iti tab3ani 3lach kanhder m3a ay wa7d makan3rfouch b masculin :S hani jerebt ton methode daba … jbedtilna gha sda3


mad tekhla3 meskine

bllati necharb dwa w nrad 3alik al akhbaaaaaaaar

ma ta3raf nsdek oukht ana nite

lla nta saletlk lferkh a 3ammo … chouf zid f la doz :smiley: bach ntfahmo

friyikh dyalk dar bel firiyihk dyali, w hajrou ma7itache lbarde hada

ka netsanna le3cha bach nakhd la dose
sa3a ma baghich iji

wache kayn chi 3cha a nas???


mad sawfa yatasatta

kifach ?? lfriyikh diali dar bl freykha dialk :stuck_out_tongue: meskina tel9ayha kat3ani daba wuhahahaha

kat9elleb 3la l3cha ? rah banli f la cornich d 3in diab kaydeber 3la rasso … tsennah hna rah daba yrje3

*ila 7eme9ni wa7d b7alk manstahelch diplome lli chedit f rass derb :no:

mskin chouja3 m3a rasou :fouet:

i vote for mad to lbes lizar
-za3ma back to topic-

ok i will do it if u pose naked :stuck_out_tongue:



don’t ruinnnnn myyyyy topikkkkkkkkkk


:kiss2: safi mossama7a

better keep that smiley out of use with me if you want your neck to be safe for l3id lekbir

looollll ana 9ari nhar l3id … lame i will use that smiley :stuck_out_tongue:

so Moroccan women still wear lizar today, and you would see them around in Morocco wearing them in lovely colors, and nice designs…

(Mad, mkhasma m3ak)

Hahahahahaha LMFAOOO, good one :okay: