i wanna c u wearing a moroccan Caftan
i wanna c u wearing a moroccan Caftan
Ohh… mini, I agree…
Moroccan bride looks like a princess And I know that there can be not just one dress.
Hm… Just I think they wear too much things… I mean gold, bijou and so on. But it’s a tradition.
And what I really like it’s a henna !
Really great ! And wedding henna tatoos are amazing :okay:
ok if someone of u needs a neggafa i know a good one
i wanna c u wearing a moroccan Caftan :p[/quote]
haha keep dreaming dude, keep dreaming…:roll:
Ohh… mini, I agree…
Moroccan bride looks like a princess And I know that there can be not just one dress.
Hm… Just I think they wear too much things… I mean gold, bijou and so on. But it’s a tradition.
And what I really like it’s a henna !
Really great ! And wedding henna tatoos are amazing :okay:[/quote]
Dunno about Morocco, but in Algeria the bride usually changes into 7 different dresses (How and why ill never know). When my cousin got married she wore 7 different cultural dresses, Berber, Moroccan, Algerian, Tunisian, Syrian and even Asian etc lol
:blink: loool
mini, and how many days thiiiiiis celebration lasts then ???
well in morocco too … the bride wears many dresses , and that depends on how rich the family is …
about the period , generally a moroccan wedding lasts 7 days , but nowadays and especially in big cities , it lasts only two nights … the first one is for the 7enna and the 2nd one is for the wedding
haha LOL She changes on the same day! Ridiculous I know lol :no:
yes i find it ridiculous coz im gonna pay all that sh*t
but women in morocco like that and find it so cool
LOOOOOOOL I know haha Men do all the behind the scenes payments whilst we enjoy our elegant wedding dresses hahaha
and u hear some westeners say : oh arab women suffer … duuuude we (men) have no rights in weddings
well i think the women deserve all that, since after she gets married she becomes the cleaner, cook, mother, counsellor of the house… she needs some special treatment before she becomes a 7chouma 3likom, servant.
well, here there’re some payments from the girl’s side too!!!
so I think she deserves much and much moreeeeeeeee for her wedding
same same, here the girl pays for the engagement but guy pays for everything else, mostly.
i feel sorry for my bro, he’s getting married soon wait, i feel sorry for my parents tooo coz they’re the ones who are paying
here some things are divided, dunno what excatly, on both sides
but don’t know yet how pay more :unsure:
and lolll yeah, parents are doing everything. God bless them and mbrouk in advance
=D just to make it easy on my family when i’m getting married, i’ll skip the engagement ceremony =p
thanks hun, 3o2balek is what they say right? or was it 2o3balek… anyway you get it
God bless all our parents inchallah… without them we’re nothing
yeah we say 3o2balek, right
merci hun, u first
to all the parents, Amen!
hhhhh why me first? i wanna wait as long as i can
i love the moroccain weddings and u get some that are boring and some that are the best… they carry on for days on end and is tiring. especially when its someone in the family.
so inchallah when i get married i will have a wedding in morocco inchallah.
awe lol dont worry u’ll waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaait so long