Moroccan jokes..... anyone know any?

i dont understand the answer to this one :confused:

u actually have the answer in your avatar :ok: ness dlla3a = half a water malon :^^:

ohhhh lol i get it noww :smiley:
i always read everything wrong! :hm:
but shouldn’t it be spelled dlla7a instead of dlla3a?

??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ? ?? ??? ?? ??? ??? ???


i just don’t understand this bit, the wolf then said: yes yes yes i’m azzaqt, im alwil lka7l khallini (let me) nbowl

Can’t translate literally, here’s an equivalent: yeah yeah yeah, i am the f***in wolf, i’m the G.damn wolf, just let me take a piss


sounds better in arabic sa7? :smiley:

and PB you surprised me bro, :blink: :mdr:

what ur not surprised by me

ps its not my joke or anything i heard…just my friend sent it to me and i recopied it cuz i thought it was funny

it would be nice if u use some punctuation when writing stuff coz i’m tryna figure out what you mean… i think this is what u implied: “what? so you’re not surprised by me? 3leshhhhh? im the one you should be surprised about!! now BE SURPRISED!!”

dude, i was surprised at the level of foul language PB has to offer in his translation :stuck_out_tongue:

i know but i was the one that first posted the foul language he was just translating it

what u dont like my writing style well so what this is how i like to write it leaves things more open 2 interpolation and ambiguity plus its how i actually talk

:wink: :wink: :wink:

there does that count as punctuation alalla

wa7d ma3gaz wa9f taxi…mouhim moul taxi fatou ghir chwaya 3ad wa9ef ougal lih yallah aji rkeb…galih lma3gaz rah tma nit lach bghit nmchi :stuck_out_tongue: