Hey guys, why don’t y’all drop some funny maghrebi jokes you know… they can be moroccan or simply moroccanized, whatever floats your boat
I am especially fascinated by Soussi jokes… so yeah
Hey guys, why don’t y’all drop some funny maghrebi jokes you know… they can be moroccan or simply moroccanized, whatever floats your boat
I am especially fascinated by Soussi jokes… so yeah
euuuh had shi momkin bel engiliziyya ??
olakin chukran quand meme
wa7d chra sebbat kbir 3lih w howa y7tarmo
shno a madridista?? mafhemtsh, sme7 li
Yeah - don’t forget to include translation, please. :blink::^^:
I think I understand the beginning :
Someone bought some shoes which were too big and he …
Am I right ?
@ Madridista - please also translate your signatures. chukran !
3afak, trjm signatures dyalk.
Here’s a Soussi joke ( soussis are the Moroccan version of Scotsmen - meant to be stingy )
kul anu3 l-flus 3rreru bash y3mlu jtima3.
All the kinds of money (different coins) decided to have a meeting.
kulshi ja ila khms centim.
Everybody came, except the 5 centime (the smallest coin, worth very little)
kulshi 7iran, faini ?
Everybody wondered, where is it ?
3lash majatshi ? (note the ‘i’ at the end of the negative - nothern dialect)
Why didn’t it come ?
faja, khms centime majak d qTr bel3rq.
Suddenly, the 5 centime came dripping with sweat.
SaqSauha, " fain t3Tlti ?"
They asked, “What kept you ?” (Where were you delayed)
qalet, " s-soussi 3ad Tqlni."
It said, " The Soussi only just let me go."
“howa ye7tarmo” is tickling my curiosity i wanna know what y7tarmo means.
thanks lise_c great joke hahaa, i got one classic, which is in english:
One day a Soussi’s grocery store was on fire… When they informed him, he gave a missed call (buzz) to the firebrigade
wa7d chra sebbat kbir 3lih w howa y7tarmo
it means :
a guy bought some shoes which were too big then he respected them
(in morocco when we say : flan kbir 3lia … it means he is older than me , and automatically we must respect him , in this case the guy has respected his shoes for bein bigs lol )
LOL i get it i’ve heard this expression before, maybe in turkish
Nice jokes guys, everyone waiting for more…
& following this quote (Feeling gratitude and not expressing it is like wrapping a present and not giving it), a special thanks for Lise cause you made me happy for something in ur joke
Alright…I wanted to share some jokes with you, but most of what I know are about “elsa3ayda” & may some wouldn’t understand them…
So I’m waiting to hear more from you’all
Gretchen, agreed
Look what I’ve found by chance…a site for moroccan jokes, nokat maghribia
There’s no joke I understood 100% to share. Only the one below with the translation hoping that I understood it correctly: (PS: I’ve read it in arabic so some words or vowels may need to be corrected. Also any wrong translation I’ll be grateful to be corrected too)
Wa7ed tl3 leltobes wchaf w7da jalsa w3ajbato. D7k liha wd7kat leh. Ghamaz liha wghmzat leh. Meshy 3ndha qal liha nzly f elblaka eljaya. Heya nzlet w howa jls fi blasat-ha
(A man/boy rode a bus where he saw a woman/girl sitting and he liked her. He laughed to her and she laughed back to him. He winked to her and she winked back to him. He went to her and told her to get off to the coming/next station. She got off and then he sat in her seat.) yalla ed7ako
hada wa7d soussi chaf rasso kay7el l7anout 24 sur 24 , nad ba3 lbab dl 7anout
hada wa7d soussi kay7et flousso f banka , kaytsenahom tta kayseddo , kaymchi yzid 9fel dialo f bab d banka
hada berkani gal lmerto had lila wejdi rassk ant3echaw berra , rje3 l9aha mkherja tebla lzen9a
hada soussi bgha ytele9 merto , galolo 3ndak amskhout atel9ha tsde9 9asma m3ak rez9k f ness … b9a kayfekeeeeerr , mcha nta7er ( bach teddi ghir 1/8 dial lwert )
lmohim im busy had sa3a , ill be back to translate them
[quote=Gretchen]Look what I’ve found by chance…a site for moroccan jokes, nokat maghribia
There’s no joke I understood 100% to share. Only the one below with the translation hoping that I understood it correctly: (PS: I’ve read it in arabic so some words or vowels may need to be corrected. Also any wrong translation I’ll be grateful to be corrected too)
Wa7ed tl3 leltobes wchaf w7da jalsa w3ajbato. D7k liha wd7kat leh. Ghamaz liha wghmzat leh. Meshy 3ndha qal liha nzly f elblaka eljaya. Heya nzlet w howa jls fi blasat-ha
(A man/boy rode a bus where he saw a woman/girl sitting and he liked her. He laughed to her and she laughed back to him. He winked to her and she winked back to him. He went to her and told her to get off to the coming/next station. She got off and then he sat in her seat.) yalla ed7ako :D[/quote]
is it my website that u meant by any chance?
hahaha Gretcheeeeeen d7ektini xD
nokta zwina
YEAH YEAH aywan, it’s your site buddy. Great job :okay:! indeed! I’ve seen it by chance when I was googling about Darija from my mob in my spare time days ago
I think I’m lucky to meet you personally So, I really was curious to translate this one for me:
??? ??? ??? ??? ? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ?? ???. ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ?? ??? ??? ??? ??? ???. ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ?? ???. ??? ??? ??? ??? ???
Thank you sis … thanks to nokta_zwina
[quote=Gretchen]nokta zwina
YEAH YEAH aywan, it’s your site buddy. Great job :okay:! indeed! I’ve seen it by chance when I was googling about Darija from my mob in my spare time days ago
I think I’m lucky to meet you personally So, I really was curious to translate this one for me:
??? ??? ??? ??? ? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ?? ???. ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ?? ??? ??? ??? ??? ???. ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ?? ???. ??? ??? ??? ??? ???
Thank you sis … thanks to nokta_zwina
A guy went to the Netherlands, and he doesn’t speak Dutch, he only know that good morning is “dakh”. He arrived there at night, and the next morning he woke up very early hanging out in the city, waiting for someone to pass by to tell them “dakh”. A woman passed by and said “dakh” to him first. He got stuck, and didn’t know what to say back, so he said “derdellakh”.
The joke is told that way, but dakh is not correct… there is also another Moroccan joke that contains this word (dakh) as being good morning in Dutch… i think that translating the joke made it lose its funny aspect… its very tricky to translate jokes btw.
nice to meet you too