lol maymkinch lalla momo min l3roub
3ndi l3rouba fddami
In Moroccan Darija, by “3roubi” they mean an ignorant person that comes from the countryside i.e. 7mida ras l mida
sorry, I guess it’s not the same but I heard that one moroccan guy called another one “garbouz” … what’s this? has this word some meaning or not?
“Grbooz” is the equivalent for “3roubi” when talking about a shel7 (berber) person, used in the same case above, with “7mad” or “moo7mmad” instead of “7mida”.
note: what Lalla said above (3rouba) is actually another meaning = the fact of being an arab.
- i think “3roubi” comes from the fos7a “a3rabey” = a bedouin, also can mean someone who comes from “al a3rab” (do not confuse it with “al 3arab”).
I think al a3rab was an old tribe in arabia, but i’m not sure about it.
all what said PB is true but ive never used 3roubi to insult someone … ive a lot of 3roubi friends nd they proud of it … one of them is a lawyer … i cant deny his accent makes me laugh but i never told him 3roubi to insult him its like when i say u cazawi or rbati or or or or
:no: :no: i dont use it as a perjorative, and i know a lot of 3roubis that are proud to be…also me :)…but PB is right that maybe you wouldnt call someone 3roubi that you just met
i thought that was an interesting post though PB, and to add to it maybe you or someone else knows something about where the term that you used chel7 comes from…i heard a couple of theories for why imazighen are called chel7 but i dont know what the truth is :hm::hm:
3roubi is simply what u call someone coming from 3roubia, it doesnt have to be an insult. unfortunately people use it as an insult…
first, the city was a 3roubia before.
second, its just people who think that they’re better cuz they live in the city, u know…usual human prejudice, this could be anywhere.
In Egypte they also make fun at Sa3ayda (egyptien 3roubiyin)
yes…adding to the tension i think is the trend that political scientists mention that they see in the last 25? years or more of many people from l3roub going to the city to find jobs, try to make more money, give kids a better school, etc…then people complain about them in the city…
The funny part is that there are actually some 3robiya who insult other 3robiya by calling them 3robiya :huh:
lol thats just what i was gonna say is sometimes it seems like in the city some families mn lbaldia from the 2nd generation or something, they are the worse ones for making the new 3roubis feel unwelcome…dommage kbir
lets hear ur hipothesis about the word chle7
when i said 3rouba i meant “village/country-side”
my dad’s a villager, hence so am i.
so u mean l3roubia … i got u now
correct sun
well i cant find anything on the net right now…but i heard that chleuh @ first it meant either poor or thief or smthing like this…the root ch-l-7 what does it mean? and the tachelhit term is ichel7in…which is what i use…course same root…w i know ichelhin people that say they are chleuh…not trying to be too politically correct :mdr: or be like an ircam tfinagh lover :mdr: but
im interested by this because we have the same thing in the states, many 9abail have the name they call themselves, and the name lgawar ayalolhom–mital: the place where i live now they are lakota and dakota people but the whites came and asked their neighbor tribe, what are these ppl called: that tribe had some mrigliin b7al MAD and they thought for a minute and told them ‘sioux’, its a word in their language that means a snake that you dont trust :lol: …even today, lots of people still call them sioux, and even some refer to themselves, im sioux… :roll:
Have u ever heard of the “echhhh loo7” joke/theory ?
hehehehehehehehhe i liked the sioux thing loool good one
explain 3afak
explain 3afak[/quote]
They say…
there was a farmer in the countryside working on his land, & taking care of seeds…
but some chicken would go around & pick up a seed & eat it…so he kept after the chicken to send them away & get back his seeds, saying: echhh loo7, echhhh loooo7 <— & so this became the shloo7 tribes.
loo7 = throw (the seed)