konti ghadi w l9iti ....

blati 3leki…lets not push it…pry start in ur bathroom mirror or in ur lil brothers face when u just ate garlic and hes being annoying mbd:d:d:d:d:d

my bad, my bad…i think i went a little too far didnt i? :stuck_out_tongue:

i have a little sister, so that’ll work, she’s annoying all the time
…so i think i’ll have to stock up on garlic and onions pretty soon :wink:

and i always sing in the shower, :smiley:

WTF where is my derhem :s

klito ana… sme7 li

kont ghadi w l9t dirham flard fwust un deposit kbiiiiiir d vitamin ikkhhh…3ateto lakhti lsghira LA w hiya klato…hhh daba 7na ghadin lmostashfa

thats the best story :smiley:
ach u win hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

hhaaaaaahaaaa khoya lkbir, i couldn’t resist, lderhem kan bnin bzzeffff

mad, so what does he win?

the deposit of vitamin ikhhhhh where the derhem was :^^:

hhhhhhh he’s gonna love it, especially if there are scraps of amlou in it.

yea i think its time u announced a winner…this was kinda a lame exercise dude…u cant do that much with 1 derham…i suggest you make a new one…konti ghadi w l9iti alf dirham :yes: :beach: :yes: :beach: :yes: :beach: :yes: :beach:

hahahahha r u crazy u cant find 1000 derhem in morocco hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

damn son when did u ever find 1 dirham?? lollll not me EVER somebody would be picking that up tout de suite ga3 lollllll

lexercise dial lkhayaliaaaaaa duhhhhhhhh le point cest pour nous imaginer les situations et ecrir, nst3amlou kalimat jdida, etc.

hahhaaha i found once 20 dhs i was 10 yo loooollll
when i picked it up i heard all my friends ( about 10 ) sayin in one voice ICE CREAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMMMMM
damn in morocco we share everythin :slight_smile:

on the rez too…more than is good actually haha…but yeah thats awesome…i can just see u crusty lil mad yak jma3tou flooskom bach tchriou kora mn lhanout, l3abti biha youm, harastiha, w dabztou 3liha tal l3achaa

yaaaaaaa raguel !!! hahahahahaahhaha exactly … how did u know that :stuck_out_tongue:
dont tell me u have the same thing in USA hhhhhhhh

basically…and thats what my lil bro in morocco used 2 do all day and then he comes home with his shirt all dirty and torn crying cuz he was fighting lolll and my mom says wheres the saraf and wheres the bread i sent you with to the forn and then he pretends like hes crying again

WTF :s im gettin confused :frowning:
do u live in morocco with ur mom and lil bro :open_mouth:
ach … r u drunk or sth ???

lila ka7la w lrouge a7la :stuck_out_tongue:

akheina daba tnhader fil zaman lzouin

lolllll i dont know where did u get this :smiley: but dont use it a lot looolllll

mohajaba dialik jabito liya