
that microbe thing is you, you’re a nasty little bacteria hhhhh

hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh for natives … who rememeber 9itto lbacteria :^^: ???

thnx lalla ur so kind :slight_smile:

i do i do, i remember it so welllllllllll :hap:

shut uuuuuuuuuup hehehehhehhehehehe ur still a teenager :stuck_out_tongue:

shutup im older than YOUUUU at least

hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh duuude we r twins :smiley: 5 mins doesnt count

hhhhhhhhhh oh yuk, if i was born as twins with u i would have suicided ages ago

what hahahhah i wouldnt let u suicide duuuude :slight_smile:
id kill u before u were born :^^:

hhhhhhh yiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii3 uleeeeeeeeh thats so evil

duuude u deserve it :stuck_out_tongue: u cause me a headache :s

hhhhhhhhh who tells u to talk to me, safi ignore me :stuck_out_tongue:

hhhhhhhhhh i cant :s im addicted now

addicted to coke? :open_mouth: get well soon wallahi it isn’t easy, i had to go to rehab for 15 years to be rid of that zbel 7 allah m3ak

ya cheikha :open_mouth: i bet u have never seen cannabis before
how dare u talk about coke :s

looool you’re right.

sorry :frowning:

good girl :slight_smile:

thanks dad, now can i have that bike i wanted for christmas?

WTF Xmas :fouet: 7araaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaammmm
wait for the next 3achoura :lol:

but u told me u only celebrate xmas… hhhhh 3achoura :frowning: i will be too big for that bike by then, it was the 3 wheels one … “tricycle”

hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh let it be a barby as every year :stuck_out_tongue: