hahahhahhahah baraka mn sbagha 
so lets start explainin ur post :
- Duya hanya = infact its dounya hanya = denya hania ( in my darija ) = its ok
- W sma safia = the sky is clear
- w errbi kbir --> this one is known, yek? = rbi kbir = my god is great
=======> this idiom is used to mean that evrythin is ok ( u can use only the first part if u want )
-Tanjawi, suqu khawi --> About the Tanjawi way of life /¨behaviour
======> lol i cant say this about a tanjawi , i’ll offend him
Wlad eSSuq --> neighbours says that to my friends big_smile = in my darija we say wlad l7ram
Bint ennas --> Boring girl = a good girl , and for perverts like me and u … yes she is soooo boring 
Bint eZZanqa --> Pretty funny girl big_smile = a girl with bad behavour
wld lharam --> usually are taxists who say this, refering to other drivers = literally it means ‘’ someone who’s born in an illegal relationship ‘’
3lach? => question
3la lmshmsh ( mechmach ) => the answer
Tab w ma khlash = 7lach not khlach ( and 7lach comes from 7lou = sweet )
Mshit nsuq w ma tb3sh --> Idiomantic game: meshmesh are apricots.
(msha lsou9 w ma tba3ch not mchit coz the mechmach who went to the market not u )
Qué pasa?
LHot fplaSa --> Idiomatic game in the north (they usually uses spanish words and expressions like this)
=====> only in the north
beSSentiHa --> Por el morro… (I don’t know in english)
=====> only in the north
Tla3tini fk***i --> you wasted my patience
=====> slang , tle3tili f rassi is better
To call the waiter: A mmardi!
====> only in the north
we call the waiter : garçon , khouya …
nwqta nwqta i3mer lwad --> proverb: drop by drop the river grows
==> ne9ta ne9ta y3mer lwad ( in my darija )
Khamsa 3la 3inik --> When someone is suposed to make you balota.
===> aka khmsa w khliss 3la 3nik ( in egyptian : khamsa f 3ini l3ado
tsbark Allah! --> Cannot translate sad
tbarkllah = used when u c an amazing thing … and it has a religious meaning , its used against our evil eye
Wili wili --> ¡My lord! = false , rebbi rebbi = my lord
wili wili = comes from al-wayl , which is a river in hell
kmi w tkimma w shuf shinni tmma --> Just smoke and relaaaaaaaaaaxxxxxxx… smile (before, you said: 3mr shi sibsi, ya khawa!)
=====> that was born in casablanca or kenitra (not sure about it ) and it is in merrakchi
the OV is = kmi w chem t3ref ach tem
Allah isahlek —> When a beggar asks you for some dirham (catalans we NEVER give money, so this one is important big_smile )
=====> yes when u dont have money to give to a beggar u tell him llah ysehel
Allah i3unek --> Always.
= allah y3awnk = may god helps u
Allah ikuwwen mennek durria SaliHa! --> I don’t know what it means, but old people like it when they listen it.
====> also , allah ykewen menek zre3 w zerri3a = it means may God gives u good children
Inallah jamil iuHibbo ljamal --> When a pretty girl is around you ok
=====> hahahahahahahahaahah yes u can use it there , but it means that Allah is beautiful and he loves beauty
Fain, azzain? --> Same situation
====> in my darija = fen a zine = a way to start a discussion with a girl u dont know ( its a flirt )
Allah yin3al jeddek --> When somebody want’s to **** you
aka allah yn3el bak , allah yn3el mok , allah yne3l tassiltk , allah yn3el …
Allah ishafek --> To madrid supporters ^^
used when someone is sick , and the sick here is barcelona hihihihihi 1-2 against rubin bla bla bla (we dont even know where it is )
In sha allah --> When somebody asks you something that you are not gonna do. ok
===> lol it means if God wants
Ma wuSal Htta shaf 3yny f qfatu --> He arrived very tired (this I read in a book, and I liked it)
=====> only in the north
we say mawsel tta ghferlo llah donoub