I am Bored

looooooooooll yeah and then we’ll choose the president :stuck_out_tongue:

I thought that we all agreed that I be the President.

are you 60 years old to be that sure hahahahahahaha

I am older than you :stuck_out_tongue:

r u sure :stuck_out_tongue: ???

Er… how old are you? :smiley:

kber mennek b 2 years

You wish.

ha2 so tell us h old r u :stuck_out_tongue:

Dudes first lol

im 37
u ?


huh? h did u know

LOL You don’t sound like 37.

ok so gimme an age :stuck_out_tongue:
i give u 12 years old


1st of all, if you dont mind what does “3yyaqti” mean?

2nd, u’r both weirdo. I’ll give you two 25 years penal servitude

3yyaqti means you exaggerate.

Weirdo in what way? :stuck_out_tongue:

LOL now that you came in, how old are you Gret?

“3yyaqti means you exaggerate” so please what is its infinitive form, is it “3yq”? : ana kn3yag, home ky3yaqo, am I right?

Yes, it’s correct :).
Q not G.