How to say.....

So in tachel7it, if i want to say something like “I am…” is there a specific seperate verb for “to be” or do i just go straight in, like in arabic, where you’d say “ana…”?

i’m having a wiiiiiiiiiiiiiild guess here:

nikki takburt
hihi =D

ohhh i hope tafoukt sees this :smiley: or… any… other… berber… speakers… yeah u know who u are =p

Hahahaha lmfao @ gigh yan taskejrit :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: but it should be “yat” :slight_smile: Ncnc u need to quit that bad habit of yours :stuck_out_tongue:

btw there is 2 different “to be”

For example:

Ligh n lmghrib = i am in morocco

Ili = to be (you use it to describe when you’re in a place, or when something exists) ex : tla drin = she is here

Ligh = i am

Tlit = you are

Illa = he is

Tla = she is

Nla = we are

Tlam = you are (masculine plural)

Tlamt = you are (feminine plural)

Lan = they are (masculine plural)

Lant = they are (feminine plural)

G = to be (you use it to describe when you’re something= ex nekki tamarokit/tmghrabit ad gigh or nekki ad gigh tamarokit/tmghrabit = i am Moroccan

Gigh = i am

Tgit = you are

Iga = he is

Tga = she is

Nga = we are

Tgam = you are (masculine oplural=

Tgamt = you are (feminne plural)

Gan = they are (masuclein plural)

Gant = they are (feminine plural)

P.s Taskejrit haha :smiley: I hope u understand a bit cuz im really bad to explain things :stuck_out_tongue:

THANKS A TAFOUKTIIIIII, what do u mean bad at explaining things??? this was greattttttt habibz :stuck_out_tongue:

I’m glad you understood. You’re always welcome Taskejrit ijjan haha :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

btw it should “ghir yat taskejrit” instead of “yan”.

ohhhh thanks for that :smiley: i’ll change it now

[quote=Tafoukt]I’m glad you understood. You’re always welcome Taskejrit ijjan haha :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

btw it should “ghir yat taskejrit” instead of “yan”.[/quote]
Since you used “y” for yat, then it should be “y” in taskayrit as well.
Note for others: taskayrit means drunkard. Innaj means stinky.

Good job, Tafoukt.
One correction though:

… should be ligh gh/7 lmghrib. The use of 7 or gh depends on the accent.

So confirming:
Illa = to be in. (Used also to express the physical existence of something. Illa ghinna aghroom? (Do we have bread there?)
Igua = To be.

nekin = i am

kyin = you are

netan = he is

netat = she is

neknin = we are

konin = you are (masculine oplural=

konintin = you are (feminne plural)

netnin = they are (masuclein plural)

netenti = they are (feminine plural)

tanmirt a gma abderahim, we need some berbers in the house, seriously. alf alf welcome to youuuu and afous to your contributions, waiting for more to come from you nchallah.

you are very welcom , and i m ready to translat a words and expressions fro any language to tcahl7it , the only thing you need is write them down and i will translat them later ok OLTEMA (sister).and i got an idea why we dont creat a tachel7it group on facebook ! i think it seems like interesting idea

glad to have u on board akhoya.

Is “tamarokit” (or “tmghrabit”) a feminine form? Or do all adjectives begin and end with a “t”, both for feminine and masculine gender?

Again, no difference between masculine and feminine in the singular “you” (French “tu”)?

Tanmirt (does that mean “thank you”?)
