Hello / Salam !

My name is Sam. I discovered this web site few days ago and it’s awesome. I 've started learning darija (for my girlfriend) and this web site helps me so much.

Thank you a lot for all the support you provide !

jbert had ‘web site’ chweya youm qbel wa had shi houwa mizyane bezzaf ! bdit nqray darija (bash habiba diali) wa had ‘web site’ kay3awnni bezzaf.

Choukrane bezzaf bezzaf bash … :stuck_out_tongue:

mr7ba bik Sam,
i see you’re pretty good in darija, better than me at least :stuck_out_tongue: enjoy your stay, and do explore the forum :hap:

See you around!
Bsalama 3lik

p.s: what’s “bash”?

According to my books :^^:, ‘bash’ means ‘for’.

I’m learning darija from books and I believe the best way to practice is to converse. But since that’s not possible, I’m glad to see I can have some support here :ok:.

I hope we can have some conversations Aïcha. See you !

Mashy moshkel! :smiley:

Take care

mr7ba bik Sam!


:hi: and :welcome: Darija_Noob :hap:

matcharafeen :roll:

girlfriend ??
wa laah yene3el li maye7echem…

mer7ba bik Sam§
hope you r liking it here :slight_smile:

[quote=samopoa]girlfriend ??
wa laah yene3el li maye7echem…[/quote]

[quote=Darija_Noob]jbert had ‘web site’ hadi chi yamate, w 3ejabni bezzaf ! bdit nqra darija (bash nahdar m3a habiba diali) wa had ‘web site’ kay3awnni bezzaf.

Choukrane bezzaf bezzaf 3ala lmosa3ada dialkoum… :p[/quote]
There you go, a few corrections.

mer7ba! good to see you’re good at the language already :smiley: goodluck learning more!