Hello I am Elly and I am NEW!

[color=#e11dd9]Hello I am Elly. I am from a small little island, Singapore.
I found this website by accident and [large]I really like it[/large] !!. :D[/color]

I really want to learn Darija
and although I must say for an asian person like me who has no friends here who can correct me and teach me when I go wrong, it is really really hard. :cry:
I hope I can make friends here and share knowledge. Exchange our beautiful diversities and most of all spread the [q]Beauty of Darija[/q] :ok:
Please teach me anything necessary, correct me when I am wrong and Thank you for having me.

With love

If it is not too much can someone tell me, where can i find thread for beginners like me? :frowning:

welcome elly, the sections u’d most benefit from would probably be the lessons and the translation section.



See you around :slight_smile:


this is a good place to check too. it’s kind of dusty i don’t think anyone has been in there 4 a while


yay it’s good to see some new members interested in learning
