Hello Evryone, I'm Going To Need Lots Help With Translation

My name is Haris, a Ph.D. student of the Department of Highways and Transportation of the Polytechnic University of Bari (Italy). My Ph.D. topic is on Evacuation Modelling in Transportation Infrastructures (especially tunnels). I am currently working with some well-know evacuation models (FDS+Evac, STEPS, PathFinder).
I would like to know people working in the field of evacuation modelling and exchange information with them.

welcome haris … enjoy ur stay in SM lol :stuck_out_tongue:
wanna ask u about that polytechnic , im interested in a year of Erasmus in italy … is it a good uni ?? what about Bari ?? is it a nice town ??

he’s been banned, this is a sign assi, erasmus in italy isn’t a good idea :^^:

Madridista, LallaAïcha

achno ktgolo, walahi mfhemt walo
wa9ila kthadro 3ir tkherbi9
3ir ntoma li ktfahmo ba3ditkom

hhhhh walla 7ta ana mafhemt walou mn klam dialo akhty :stuck_out_tongue: