have no moroccan background but huge desire to lear the language!!!

Thank You, Simply Moroccan and MarocRulz!!!
Name Adnan is a very uncommon name, which makes it better for us:) I know only one Moroccan named Adnan too (3dnan - is how we will pronounce his name too), and several Bosnians with this name (commonly used among Muslim Bosnians).

Harrel’s book was not of much use to me.

I’m back with some great news!!! Our little Adnan has arrived on November 17th,2008 - 8.2lbs and 21.5in!!! He was born with lots of hair and looked like Asian for the 1st couple of weeks, so everyone thought that he looked like me:) now he looks more and more like Moroccan like his daddy:)))

awwwww…alf mabrouk…congratulations for a new baby booooy!!!

Wow Asiem! That’s such a happy news. Mbrôk zziyâdâ, w Allâh ykhllîh lîkom :). [Congratulations for the birth (of the baby), and may God protect him for you]
You better work on Darija more, or you won’t realize it until Adnan speaks better Darija than you :).

LOL thank you for the wishes:)
my husbands speaks to Adnan in Moroccan and I’m learning along with Adnan:))

WELCOME ASIEM :slight_smile: sorry, i am a little late! i didn’t notice this post, but i hope you are enjoying and learning from this forum xD it seems you are!!

Allaihaleyk (sp?), everybody!

Allah ykhaleik(om << because it’s plural) :hap: wnta!

And what’s your wnta for? :wink:
I bet you meant w nti, but then it’s like “and you”… incomplete! The correct thing to say would be: W ykhllik.
More on the use of this expression on my response to Asiem, coming up :hap:.

Thank you, Asiem. But let’s discuss the use of this expression. :slight_smile:

“Allah ykhllîk”
means May God protect you, but it’s mainly used as “please”.
Allah ykhllîk, wâkhâ tkhllînî ndôz?” - May you let me pass (by/from here), please?

Allah ykhllîkom, shwiyya dyâl lhodô2” - Please, some quite!.

So when someone congratulates you “mbrôk”, you answer: Allah ybârk fîk. - May God bless you.

And when someone tells you “Allah ykhllîh lîk” - May God protect him (your baby) for you, you respond: W ykhllî lîk mâ 3zz 3lîk. - And may He (Allah) protect for you all the ones you love.

I hope this helps :).

Did you have a sbô3 for Adnan?
Sbô3, comes from the number sb3a, seven. The small party Muslims hold on the 7th day of their babies.
Or maybe you have a different Kazakh tradition?

And what’s your wnta for? :wink:
I bet you meant w nti, but then it’s like “and you”… incomplete! The correct thing to say would be: W ykhllik.
More on the use of this expression on my response to Asiem, coming up :hap:.[/quote]
i just meant Allah ykhaleek inta, too :smiley: thanks for the next post, it made much sense!

alf mabrouk, o lay khelih likoum!

thank You SimplyMoroccan!
i hear my husband using those phrases a lot and I know how to say them but never really knew the meaning! And there is a Moroccan picnic coming up in April, so those answers that you taught will be very helpful! I’m sure that I will hear lots of "mabrouk"s :slight_smile: and when
Moroccan ladies will congratulate us with Adnan I will surprise them by answering in Moroccan! Shukran!!!
we did not have a big party at 7 days because I was still exhausted after hospital and we don’t have much of a families here anyways. Samir (my husband) sacrificed the lamb for Adnan. From Kazakh traditions what we did is cut Adnan’s hair when he was 40 days old. Normally we shave the whole head, cut nails and go to somebody’s house (before 40 days baby doesn’t go to anybody’s house at all). Since we are not in Kazakhstan, we cut Adnan’s nails before 40 days cuz he kept scratching himself, and we just cut his hair short:)

P.S. Adnan looks more Asian, and so every time we meet Moroccans they call him “Shinui” (Chinese) :slight_smile:

Im in a similar situation, my boyfriend is Moroccan ! I am Spanish , so i really dont understand anything at all …but I want to start learning !! :^^:. I am just lost as to where to start, I want to surprise him so I dont want to ask him. Thank you :slight_smile: