That’s not the necissary, i can find out the movie by doing a filmography search for the featured actors, & see what are the common movies between them.
That’s not the necissary, i can find out the movie by doing a filmography search for the featured actors, & see what are the common movies between them.[/quote] Hmm… Maybe, and what if you couldn’t recognize the actor??
Anyway, i didn’t do that, and if you want me to tell you the whole movie’s story, i will !
btw, Good luck !
Hmm… Maybe, and what if you couldn’t recognize the actor?? [/quote]
Then i usually switch to plan B, i bring to memory any movie in which i could’ve seen that figure (Which is De Niro in this case)…
Otherwise , i switch to plan C, which is doing a search about what i see in this picture, for example typing “Robert De Niro shaved” in search engine…
It got me a news page with a title in bold saying : “Man who attacked Dutch royals shaved his hair like Robert de Niro in Taxi Driver” , next step would be doing an image search for “Taxi driver” to get a movie poster & make sure its the wanted one…
[large]TAXI DRIVER[/large] :na:
I could’ve also found it by typing “De niro drives taxi”, cuz i can see the driver sit empty in the picture.
Ehem, but that’s called cheating, cuz i didn’t actually recognize the movie at first place