7assanat > eljannah :^^:
And since it’s a Darija exercise, then you should say jjnna (paradise).
Jjnnâ[large]???[/large] (paradise) = lmobtaghâ [large]???[/large](the sake)
To get this good exercise going again, workes only in engish
lmobtaghâ (the sake) - henSH (snake)
7nsh (snake) --> Smm (poison)
Smm (poison) - Tbib (doctor)
Tbîb (doctor) --> SbîTâr (hospital).
SbîTâr (hospital) - dwa (m.) (medicine)
dwa - mriD
mriD --> fashel
What does ‘fashel’ mean ? please
( I forgot to say mriD = ill )
Yes, please give always the word also in English (or at least French). It stops the exercise when you use a rare word.
The closest I found for fashel was faSHal (failure), but that doesn’t make sense to me.
fashel = faible
fashel = faible; mherres (broken)
Fashel = Failure (one who fails).
fashel -> mkeDDer - depressed ( according to Harrell’s Dictionary )
huwa mkeDDer bezaf had l-iyum. He’s been very depressed lately.
That’s a tough one. Ok, if you’re depressed you should see a psychologist and he or she might find that there was something wrong in your childhood:
mkeDDer - depressed - SGor (childhood)
sghor - > drari = children / enfants / Kinder / niños / børn (Danish) / haizi (Chinese)
drari = children -> l3eb (to play/spielen)
l3b - > kura (ball)
kura (ball) -> kurat l-qadam soccer/Fußball