Madridista, it’s funny that you brought that up. When refreshing this exercise, it occurred to me that it would probably be more correct to make it feminine (tusawi) than masculine (yusawi). Yusawi most probably refers to the numbers as masculine, like saying: al3adad khamsa, za2id al3adad sitta… wait, that would be plural then…
I got it now… It probably refers to the word “jam3” (the addition): Jam3o khamsa wa sitta yusawi…
Anyway, it’s no big deal… The purpose of this exercise is to practice the numbers themselves… We wouldn’t say a yusawi or tusawi when making the sum of the groceries at Mohamed’s in the morning… Your remark is most appreciated though!
Marilyn, you probably missed this :hit:, for the juj mistake.
From then numbers lesson, which I assumed you have read.
Also, w/u (and) is missing between the thousands and the hundreds.
So the correct answer is:
khemsa u khemsin zaid mia tnayn u 3ashrin alef w tltmiyya u arb3a u tlatin tusawi mia u tnayn u 3ashrin alef w tltmiyya u ts3od u tmenin