did you know????

DYKNT each time you hit your head, you lose 3 braincells?

does your mom hit you when you say it ?

because Allah is not an option.

u just don’t get it, go ahead, keep talking about sex…why don’t u support your posts with videos & pics, would be useful.

Did you know that the male’s brain allows him to talk & think at the same time, while the female’s brain only allows her to either talk or think.

  • dunno coz ive never tried to say such a word infront of her … it exists sth called respect

  • hhhhh ze3ma the prophete is an option ?? llah ysme7lk

  • good way to skip :smiley: when we dont have arguments to say :stuck_out_tongue:

I think its the other way around not sure though…ppl say “guys can’t do 2 things at once”

DYKNT if you fart uninterruptedly in 6 years & 9 months you’ll produce enough gas to make a nuclear bomb?

good way to try to get me back in the debate. FYI i never skip…
i said my argument but u just don’t wanna get it so there’s no need to say another one.

Why ! i do not talk about disgusting bed advices every now & then…

@Tafoukt, perhaps…but we’re talking about 2 specific actions : thinking & talking.

  • nuclear :blink: i need only 1 loobya dish to make the US come looking for nuclears in my neighbourhood :mdr:

Dykt the continents move away from each other 3 cm each year ?

jjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjj 3la lobya
wallah ila

everyone luaghing at me coz i didn’t know about air becoming liquid
i been staring in a square of air for the past hour
nothing happened
liars all of u
7ayyad 3alayya

did know about the contientns

did you kno that u should first said if u know or don’t know the previous post before you pst a new did you kno?
some ppl skip it

I knew that.

  • Did you know that the word “fannan” (artist) meant “7imar” (donkey) in Pre-Islamic Arabia ?

Nix i didn’t know that.

DYKT they speak 64 different languages in Côte d’Ivoire?

whattttt no i didn’t :smiley:

here’s a nerdy linguistics one:

DYK that the word ‘‘set’’ has more definitions than any other word in the English language…

:cool: interesting interesting

DYKT: Thirty-five percent of the people who use personal ads for dating are already married
(typical :roll: )

haaaa all men i bet

DYKT we have enough lead in our body to make a nail out of it… (something along those lines loll)

tell me about it lol :hm:

DYKT: A rainbow can only be seen in the morning or late afternoon.