say something interesting and useful. the next person will say if they already know the info or not, and add another info…
Did you know that when you sleep at night you shed skin cells and that these become food for dust mites, and therefore you need to change bed sheets often?
Did you know that after you sleep your brain keeps working/thinking ? i.e. if you’re solving maths exercise & were bored & fell asleep, your mind keeps analysing it though you’re not awake.
DYKT if u get a shower in friday and wear ur best clothes and put a good perfum and go to the mosque … then listen to the imam carefully and pray … if u do all that ull be rewarded by each step u did to go to the mosque by the 7asanat of a year of fasting and praying … ??? ( got it from a 7adith sa7i7 in al bukhari )
didn’t know, but that’s for men i guess, coz women don’t need to go to lmasjid nananananaaa… thanks for sharing zis gud ting… jum3a mubarak btw, here its jum3a