Darija Chitchat

wakha, merci :slight_smile:

well Mad, kn3ref eno hadi a7san tari9a (?) walakin kol merra kanzid ntsdem

wa yeah rah c normal atsedmi ā€¦ walakine mezian , hakka at3elmi kter


feaych nhdrā€¦?
ok, baghia nkol wa7ed glace :stuck_out_tongue:

bsa7tek akhty, la glace bniiiiiin bzaaaf :stuck_out_tongue: -just trying to use any word i know-

euhhh bon salamu 3likom kamleeen, rani hna wlakin mafhemt kolchi bach darija ta3i (dont tell me its diali, i dont care) machi mzyaanā€¦ walla

la bas 3likom? nchallah bikhiiiir. =D

hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh zwina dik TA3I dialk a lalla , hya normalement NTA3I walakin l3roubia kaygolo TA3I alors c tjrs darija :slight_smile:

7na bkher l7mdulellah madam nti bkher okhty :slight_smile:

gigi akhty ana bikhir aussi wlakin llah ykhllik goulih had mec que je veux pas repondre lihā€¦ chukran

non, bchwya 3lia, je ne comprends pas quelque choseā€¦
again, que est-ce que tu veux??

cā€™est pas grave akhty, ma3lich :smiley:

yeah i know, i said hadra khawya :stuck_out_tongue:
but thatā€™s how we learn
can u say ā€œthatā€™s how we learnā€ in darija?
can you say ā€œcan u say ā€œthatā€™s how we learnā€ in darija?ā€? :stuck_out_tongue:
get the point? itā€™s up to u anyways


what does hadra khwya mean? speak khawya ā€¦ :huh: :stuck_out_tongue:

khawya means empty
so hadra khawya means nonsense :stuck_out_tongue:

ooooooh lolll :smiley:

isnā€™t that what weā€™re doing anyway? :stuck_out_tongue:

yeah i see
so 3lach manderoch b darija? :stuck_out_tongue:
when Mad opened a similar thread i was with you that we already do that, but i wanted to speak in darija, weā€™ll learn anyway :slight_smile:
(uā€™ve just learned hadra khawya :P)

heheh sa777 :slight_smile: good thinking sis :wink:

so since i always confuse zwin and mezyan, would it be fekra (idea) zwina or mezyana, have you any idea?

I think (personally) fekra zwinaā€¦ I think mzyan is more an adverb and not an adjectiveā€¦ but thatā€™s just my assumption :smiley:

so l3az sis, 3ndek koll faker/fekraat zwinaat (wth is the plural of fekra lollll, faker nd fkraat sound wrong)

i hope that what u said is right, that would easeeeeeeeeen many things to me

chokran okhty :slight_smile: jm3 fekra either fekrat or afkar
(i think iā€™ve asked about eitherā€¦or before, but forgot what is it in darija) :s

[quote=Darija-Lover]If you were berfect, you wouldnā€™t need to open this topic. So I will correct you.
Just one remark, I noticed that sometimes you omit vowels where we donā€™t. But then I also noticed that in your Egyptian transliteration as well, you would omit vowelsā€¦ I saw other Egyptians do that, so I figured out it was some kind of new transliteration style.[/quote]
I read ur comment in details, thanks alot hun :slight_smile:
yeah Iā€™ve making transliteration (do u Peter Newman?) from msri, and about the vowels, stimes i omit some vowels, for either 2 reasons, i think itā€™s originally omitted in darija, or i would not sure with one is correct :stuck_out_tongue:

you say ā€œKi dertiā€, are you sure? :d

merci 7abebty bzaf :slight_smile:

Hani jit

Gouli: bssa77777 or kaaaaayna!
Awa: 3endek l7aqq.

Yallah, bghit nchouf darija hna!