can someone translate this?

kant dayra
dayra jiddane

hope u had a more wonederful 3id
yak ma dawartkoum jat moraba3a?

laaa jat mostadira
hamdolilah 3idna daz zwina were looking for the next one inshalah
merci zin :^^:

like they say in middeast
yen3ad 3layna jami3an


meskina molat thread ays7abha ktebna book 3la question dialha … sa3a 7na gha bla bla lkhawi :stuck_out_tongue:

bla bla hiya li kadir nta hna

ana ??? lah ysme7lk menni w khlass :stuck_out_tongue:

owww poor b9iti fiya
9ol lia hdak chi 7ayd ?? sta7 rasek m3ah jjjjjjjjj :devil:

attention plz , for all darija learners :stuck_out_tongue: dont learn any word from zmagria hahahah :smiley: she makes a lot of mistakes in darija

your big nostriled nose isn’t compatible with my face anyway, i want one which has been less picked, know what im sayin.

eshabli jit w postit fi had topic fi ne3asi
jjjjjjjjj dont be scared i am control ur mind

attention plz , for all darija learners :stuck_out_tongue: dont learn any word from zmagria hahahah :smiley: she makes a lot of mistakes in darija[/quote]
lahla yahyiik zmaghri howa nta

attention plz , for all darija learners :stuck_out_tongue: dont learn any word from zmagria hahahah :smiley: she makes a lot of mistakes in darija[/quote]
lahla yahyiik zmaghri howa nta[/quote]
:no: la la la nti 7ala may2ouss menha

your big nostriled nose isn’t compatible with my face anyway, i want one which has been less picked, know what im sayin.[/quote]

your big nostriled nose isn’t compatible with my face anyway, i want one which has been less picked, know what im sayin.[/quote]
jejejejej wellah macheft ana hadi … y7fdek a z3ma be3da sde9ti f chi 7aja :stuck_out_tongue:

lalla :stuck_out_tongue: w chtini ana ne3tehlk …

LA, his nose goes with his ears
it’s 1 package
buy one get 2 for free

loooll u forgot the bonus :stuck_out_tongue: i give a gift with that package hhhhhhhhhhhhhh u know what im talkin about hhhhhh

ur felja???
no1 wants it

jejejejejej no no mas abajo :stuck_out_tongue:

eres más malo qué marruecos tv
côté suspense