Books To Study Darija - Des livres pour apprendre darija

I found a book, but Lisec already wrote about it in an other topic and I don’t know how to get that book. Taqarib Nnab by Youssouf Amine Elalamy (Tangier: Khbar Bladna, 2006)

About the other question check out this topic: I found in the Harrell dictionary mmalin as the plural of mula and nothing in the PREMARE one.

Ah, nuwwara, you’ve come one step closer by finding a picture of the book ! zhberti tSwira d lktab !

I read about it on where the publisher’s internet address was also mentioned - - but it doesn’t seem to work, I get a ‘server not found’ response.

The publisher is Elena Prentice, an American, who is “une Tangeroise d’adoption et artiste peintre de profession”. (And, I think, former director of the American Legation (?) in Tanger)

I also googled the writer Youssef Amine Elalamy, but am no closer to finding the book.

I hope someone here can help. :recherche:

ah, nuwarra, you’ve come one step closer by finding a picture of the book ! zhberti tSwira d lktab !

Sorry - technical problem :blink:

I also found an interview about the book with the autor and little readings out of the book and it won some kind of price.

nuwwara, did you find that on the Internet ? If so, where ? Could you give me the link ? shukran

@ nuwwara - thank you for the information

I have recently got a book which I found on and which I find is extremely useful for learning darija.
It has short, relatively simple, texts - jokes, actually - in darija (in Arabic script) with translation in English, and quite extensive cultural notes. It is written by an American who lived in Morocco and speaks darija, but - I gather from his web site - recently left. (

The book is by MATTHEW HELMKE

The work is licensed under the Creative Commons-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 License which permits non-commercial use, so I’ll start a new thread ‘Jokes in darija’ Translate from darija to English (or French)
I’ll start by posting one of the jokes from the book there, and maybe our darija-speakers can help by posting other jokes for us to translate.:okay:

Oh that book sound really interessting. I had no luck with the other book, I still don’t know how to get it.

Thank you! I found that book online for free, looks really good.

¿Habla Español? If you do, then you’ll find this spanish-moroccan dictionary quite useful. mp.

I’ve added a small e-book. An english moroccan verb glossary to be precise. You can download it here. Enjoy.

zdt wa7ed l-ktab rqmi. b D-Debt, hada qamus ínglíziyya - 3arbiyya d l’mahgrebiya. Yemken-lek tjber-u hna. m3a salama.

  1. ??? ?.?. “??? ??? ???” ?., 1962
  2. ??? ?.?. “??? ??? ??? ???” ?., 1968
  3. ??? ?.?. “??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ???” ???. 149, ?., 1968
  4. ??? ?.?. “??? ??? ? ??? ??? ??? ???” ???. 98, ?., 1976
  5. Marcel J.J. “Vocabulaire Frabcais- Arabe d’Alger, de Maroc et d’Egypt” Paris, 1837
  6. Jeffrey Heath “Ablaut and ambiguity : phonology of a Moroccan Arabic dialect” State University of New York Press, 1987
  7. Bacon D., Bichr Andjar “Moroccan Arabic Phrasebook” China, 1999
  8. Harrell R.S. “A Short Grammar Reference of Moroccan Arabic” Georgetown University Press, Washington, D.C., 1962
  9. Harrell R.S. “A Basic Course in Moroccan Arabic” Georgetown University Press, Washington, D.C., 1965
  10. Harrell R.S., Harvey Sobleman “A Dictionary of Moroccan Arabic: Moroccan-English, English-Moroccan” Georgetown University Press, Washington, DC, 2006
  11. Smith, Harlie L., Mohammed Allal Senhadji “Moroccan Arabic Introductory Course” Foreign Service Institute Washington, D.C., 1969
  12. Louis Brunot “Textes arabe de Rabat” vol. I,II, Paris, 1931, 1952
  13. Louis Brunot “Introduction a l’arabe marocain” Paris, 1950
  14. Mercier Henry “Dictionnaire Arabe-Francais” Rabat, 1951
  15. Mercier Henry “Dictionnaire Francais-Arabe” Rabat, 1959
  16. Buret M.T. " Cours gradue d’arabe marocain" Casablanca, 1952
  17. Koski A. A. “From Eastern to Western Arabic” Foreign Service Institute Washington D. C., 1974
  18. Marcais W. “Textes Arabes de Tanger” Paris, 1911
  19. Marcais W. “Textes Arabes de Takrouna” Paris, 1925
  20. BelKasem Ben Sedira “Dictionnaire Francaise-Arabe” Alger, 1886
  21. Daniel Ferre “Lexique Marocain-Francais/ Lexique Francais-Marocain” Maroc
  22. Ernest T. Abdel-Massih “An introduction to Moroccan Arabic” University of Michigan, 1973
  23. Ernest T. Abdel-Massih “Advanced Moroccan Arabic” University of Michigan, 1974
  24. Tedjini A.B. “Dictionnaire Francaise- Marocain” Paris, 1932
  25. Tedjini A.B. “Dictionnaire Francaise- Marocain” Paris, 1949
  26. Mouncef Saheb-Ettaba “Arabic made easy” New York, 1959
  27. ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? “??? ??? ???, ??? ? ?? ???” ???, 1968
    Some of this books I have in djvu format


Are you sure you don’t mind having your e-mail address published? I suggest that you remove it so that you don’t get a bunch of spam. People can still contact you using the e-mail you gave in your profile.
And to start, can you send me those books that you have? Shukran.

I have found an interesting vocabulary list of darija words of French origin :
Dictionnaire des mots de la darija marocaine d’origine française

You can find it by googling it - sorry, I don’t know how to put a link here :blush:

I think you meant this pdf with expressions, right?
Voici, Expressions marocaines en français

Another great resource from maarten - a veritable treasure-trove ! And for me also a good French lesson.

No, it’s not the one I referred to, which is on a facebook site.
I’ve printed it out, and this is what it says on it :

(Excuse my computer-illiteracy - I’m too old to have grown up with computers, so I’m still struggling !!)

OH !! I just learnt something : you just have to type it and then it becomes a link !! Wow, how easy !!

Well, there it is !

For those of you who are studying the Atlas dialect on top of Darija, this book may come in handy.

[quote=Paul Masson]So if interested - e-mail me
If someone have additional sourses of books - I will be plesaed if you inform me about it, because l’m making my own maroccan-russian-english dictionary(in exele format) - it’s already about 2000 words with grammar appendix and many usefull info. When I’ll finish it - it will be posted for free.[/quote]

Sorry, I don’t know how to delet my messages - could somebody help me with it, ???
(that one - xxx:D)