big up Maroc :p

hahaha shutuppppp the words you use are SO RUDE… it’s not the same thing, when you’re going to talk about something, ask yourself if it would be ok for you to say that to an elder person in your family, and if it IS okay, then tfaddal :wink:

hahahahahahahahahhahaaha i agreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
since u didnt precise which elder member of my family hhhhhhhhhhhhhh
i like it hhhhh ull have a lot of work puttin stars with me after the eid wuahahahahahah

ok how about your mum :smiley:

you mean my mOm ??

yep yep the mOm who’s gonna have a dead son in a few seconds :gng:

duude i have the right of a last wish :frowning:

the killer decides if u have a last wish or not… yalla say it then, im a thoughtful hitwoman

awe thnx :smiley: i wanna meet lady gaga before dying … bring it to me plz :frowning: and switch off the light :stuck_out_tongue:

haaaaaaaaaaaah did you forget what i said about him/her before ??? i guess you don’t mind then :unsure:

and you think you’ll go to heaven after that? tfooo

hahaahhahahhh im not sure ur goin to heaven too lol after killin me :stuck_out_tongue:

are you kidding me? i’ll be doing the world a favour + morocco & spain a favour, oh and russia too of course

so that’s a yes :smiley:

hahahahahhhahhahaahah maybe ur doin a favour for algeria too :stuck_out_tongue:

oh yea i forgot algeria, and i’ll be doing myself a favour, and this forum a favour, and your parents a favour hhhh nah a3udu billah, who am i to take someone’s life… i let you live ya3am, even if you’re better as a dead man :stuck_out_tongue:

hahahahhahahhaa ok lets c if ur right … ill quit SM for a week and when i come back u tell me if its better without me … if ur answer im mean all members is YES … ill quit once for all :frowning: dont want to annoy anyone

pfffff since when did you take what i say seriously??? i was joking, if you were mechkila we would have kicked u out ages ago, stop being so sensitive… we need you, just like we need other members

the question is since when did YOU take what i say seriously??? hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

the :frowning: face fooled me! i should have known better that its a trap hhhhh

looooooolllll duuude im gonna give u an advice :d juste parceke nti 3ziza 3lia : i never get upset or angry hhhhhhh :stuck_out_tongue:

bulllllllllllll kddab nta… it’s human to be angry or upset

dude im not here to get angry :wink: the rare occasions when i got upset i was alone and nobody’s seen me :stuck_out_tongue: