For the first part, I think you can say “hada/hadi lchi dyali” and you can replace “lchi” with a noun, like 4 ex: had lktab dyali (= this book is mine) or hadi lwarqa dyali (= this ticket is mine)
Of course me too is waiting for correction but I really wanted to give it a go
[quote=Gretchen]For the first part, I think you can say “hada/hadi lchi dyali” and you can replace “lchi” with a noun, like 4 ex: had lktab dyali (= this book is mine) or hadi lwarqa dyali (= this ticket is mine)
Of course me too is waiting for correction but I really wanted to give it a go :)[/quote]
ok , if ur not usin a name just say : hachi dyali ( not hada/hadi lchi dyali ) and yeah use it for both male n female .
about shut up … mmmmmm dunno i only know mean words looolll u can gimme a situation plz n i’ll translate it
can we translate “be quiet” as “baraka lsda3/lsoda3” cause we say it probably when we want s1 to stop making noise…or “baraka lhadra” (stop talking) ?! :unsure:
[quote=Darija-Lover]Keep quite is simply skot / sokti.
A less polite way: Sadd 3lia hadak dargoum lollll That’s not too mean, right Madridista?[/quote] no no no not mean , just try to say it to me and i’ll break ur neck
oh ouazzani :no: who the hell taught u darija looollll
no this one doesnt mean shut up ( well sometimes yes ) … but its close translation is ‘’ mind ur business’’
in a dirty way ofcourse