Ash kaddiro daba?

3zek llah :stuck_out_tongue:

l2akh, cazawi? :smiley:

magana wla frimija ?

Magana mam7e9’9ach, ou nta??

P.S: magana mais non pratiquant :smiley:

looll of course our favorite spy movies :gng:

hhhhhhhhhhh ana m3a l7akam

@touta : hhh yeaaaaahhhh good idea :stuck_out_tongue:

nta houwa l7akam, machi m3a l’7akam… wa dima nsser wakha raja tkhser :smiley:

@DAFIR: Hello, I was just wondering about the Skype lessons and if the offer still stands? I can’t seem to get a hold on you, so I figured I’d go with a shout-out to you in the forum :slight_smile:

i’m already in… try to get in :wink:

Ok, going online now :slight_smile:

Hmm… you don’t show as online on my list, are you sure you’ve accepted my request? :stuck_out_tongue:

no i didn’t !! :smiley:

hhhhhhhhhhhhh wa 3alaaaaaaaaaaaammmmmmm nta … accepté deria

accéptiha nta… raha bigissa :smiley:

i would accept her if i have time to help her :wink:

dir nnya trbe7 9nya :smiley:

ana rbeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee7t w li 3ta llah 3tah :stuck_out_tongue: wa b9a mtebe3ni ana hhhhhhh

barasara : if u need any help u can PM me anytime u want

hay hay, daba wella 3endek lwe9t hahaha

ana daba kanjme3 7wayji nrje3 ldari, see you all guys next week-end.

i said i dont have time for audio convos in skype :stuck_out_tongue:

greaaat another week without u