Ash kaddiro daba?

That’s in the plural form, meaning “what are you doing right now?”

Kimma katshôfô, ana kanktb hna f l’forum :wink:
As you can see, I am writing here in the forum.

F nafs lwqt, knt kanTll 3la l’mails dyali.
At the same time, I was checking my mails.

wow, nice- thanks-

Ash kaddiro daba? ana kanktb hna f l’forum :slight_smile: me 2
i will say that to my husband… :slight_smile: he is so happy am trying-but, its hard- i get stuck if i should just learn the classical way first-… what do u think Butterfly? If i am planing to make Morocco my home in a few years- I should stick with the Morrocan arabic first?

Husband was teaching me to read the Quran in Arabic- for the last 8yrs its been in English- I can say the alphabets and know them- he says if i can read and understand the way its written in Quran- it wont matter what country i am in- i will communicate still.

I was looking for a CD on the Moroccan arabic to hear the sounds- for practice-- know a good link ? :slight_smile:


W daba kanhdr m3âk :slight_smile: (And now I am talking to you).

I always believed that the best thing to learn is classical Arabic for a muslim. You need to know what you’re saying in your prayers after all.
But when you have specific link to a country, it would be as nice to learn their dialect. You can do it at the same time. Just know the rules of how to make fus7a be Darija :wink:

Are you a member of Cathy’s yahoo group? She has voice files there that can be very useful for you.
And you can ask your husband to read things for you from time to time, and pratice with him. He will correct you when it comes to prunounciation.

Ana ka nqllb 3la shi min7a diraasiyya.
I am looking for a scholarship.

je suis entrain de lire les anciens postes du forum ( sur tt les postes de SM :stuck_out_tongue: )
at the same time, i’m working on a tutorial for our blog.

[quote=Fahdos]je suis entrain de lire les anciens postes du forum ( sur tt les postes de SM :stuck_out_tongue: )
at the same time, i’m working on a tutorial for our blog.[/quote]
Ana kanl3b hnaya f lforum, kaynin shi 2la3ab zwinin.
I am playing here in the forum, there are some nice games.

Ana 9rit ga3 had chi li ktbtou :stuck_out_tongue: (j’ai lu tout ce que vous avez ecrit) , f nafs lwa9t kandwi m3a wa7d sa7bti (au meme temps je parle avec une amie)

yalah nkhlikom (allez je vous laisse)

ach kandir daba ? kanheni mazmazil mariam 3la son 100eme post fel forum

qui ce que j fait mnt? bon je felicite ma demoiselle meriem pour son centieme post au forum.

Je profite d’un répit et je visite cet espace qui m’est cher.
Je découvre quelques contributions qui donne des idées pour un éventuel prolongement et d’autres qui ne laissent que : [large]NO COMMENT[/large]

Mazmazil hia mademoiselle ? ok comme tu veux :stuck_out_tongue:

o shooooooooookrane msyou Fahd li la7dha, ana brassi machefthach !

et meeeeeeeeeeeerci à monsieur Fahd qui l’a remarqué, je l’ai pas vue !

[quote=amico]Je profite d’un répit et je visite cet espace qui m’est cher.
Je découvre quelques contributions qui donne des idées pour un éventuel prolongement et d’autres qui ne laissent que : [large]NO COMMENT[/large]
Bienvenue de retour parmi nous :). Votre “nom comment” est positif? :slight_smile:

Wellah ila la7adt 7tta ana ^_^.

Ash kandir daba? Ghadya nmshi nen3s!
What I am doing now? I am going to sleep!

@Asmaa : iwa ghir ana li machfthach o safi :blink: khayba 7ta f t3awida :mdr:

kan kteb fel forum ou narii makayn tawahed :S :S

Wayli? Had toula w tjrida kollha lli 3nd Lallana SimplyMoroccan w katgouli makayn 7tta wa7d? Lla, rani nk3a bel bien! :hap:

u and devanymix r the only acTive members here
and MASHA’ALLAH u guys r quite good

Barakllaho fik :).
And no, we are not the only active ones. The other ones are around: one is busy with something, the other has an after-exams break, and one is just back from new year’s vacation, and one busy with work, and many others trying to get here as often as they can.

InshaAllah ill get to more of speakmoroccan members
bghit nt3eref 3likoum kter:D

Iyyeh, in sha Allah, 3lash lla.
Lmoshkila lwa7ida hiyya annaho kaynin lli kayhdro ghir lfaransiyya, w ma kay7mloush bzzaf iktbo b nngliziyya. W kaynin l3aks, lli kayhdro nngliziyya w mayfhmo walo f lfaransiyya.

ahh lahedt had el moushkila…

ewa hedrou b darija tahiya :^^:

ana kan fhem el francawiya shwiya :^^:

Darija w faransia, ana m3akoum !!!:+1: